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Everything posted by Cornerville

  1. It is ESPN. Do you expect anything different?
  2. Never underestimate the power of Ralph
  3. That is what the 2 big $ parties have told us for years and most believe that. Sad.
  4. I did not vote for either...
  5. How can I forget the pop pom waving libs? Thanks for that
  6. No No No...we need a smooth talking President who can read from a teleprompter or remember a speach that was written for him, have eloquence, and be young and 'hip' Just ask the millions of blind sheep who got Obama into office.
  7. Obama IS 1/2 white dingleberry. And the fact that MOST cannot see that and try to push this down on throats is WHY this is embarassing IMO. I have many friends that are black, Asian, Spanish etc...and for that I am very grateful...but to alienate a man's race (1/2 of it) and JUST talk about him being black in ITSELF IS RACISM
  8. :huh: :lol: :lol:
  9. Pooj, sorry to hear what is happening, and I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts...biggest thing and I know it is hard: Stay Positive!!! Because you know why? These companies that lay us off etc do not really care, we are numbers to them, it really is NOT personal.
  10. I say Mabin or Cushing.
  11. Ralph's Response To Getting Peppers
  12. Absolutely, kudos to the pilot for bringing them to safety!
  13. Poor Saints. 8-8 yet again in 2009.
  14. Over Under on when you will call DirectTV to purchase the NFL Ticket: July 15. Ill take the under
  15. Ah, like JP, draft him he will fit right in
  16. How about that? Weapons on the field and strong QB play MAKE OL better!!!!!!!!!!! OBD, are you listening!?!?!?!?!
  17. Philly fans might be nuts, but not good fans? They are as loyal as they come, and I went to 20+ games at the Vet and spent many of times in the Philly area for years, before you get on me that I am not from there. I do agree with you about the Linc however, it did price out the animal fans a bit.
  18. I was there for the one in 1995...it was good...Ill take a parade anywhere for the Bills as long as it happens!!!
  19. I know what some of you are thinking...Eagles fans are scum...and I get that, EVERY fan base has those types of fans INCLUDING our own but let's analyze Philly for a second in comparison to Buffalo: 1. Passionate ravid fan base who lives and dies with every game and results: Check. 2. A franchise that is the recipient of every joke in the book from big, bad NY: Check. 3. Heavily intoxicated and crazy fans at the game who get unruly at a higher rate then most fans bases: Check. Let's just get real here: I believe Buffalo fans hate Philadelphia Eagles fans so much because they are looking RIGHT in the mirror more often then not. So having said that...I say GO EAGLES and maybe one day we will win it all!!!
  20. I am not from the South. I just get tired of all races, religions, non-religious etc, generalizing about entire states or regions because of SOME. And I guess that makes me sad that I don't paint people with a broad brush. Ok then
  21. Way to generalize everyone that lives in a region
  22. My pick: Do Not Bet.
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