Miami: A city and a region that players covet to play in; plus Parcells is there running the show, and even without the Tuna, South Florida is always an attractive option for a NFL player with loads of cash
New England: Well run ship, top facilities, nice region, strong ownership, they will always get what they need.
NY Jets: Get used to this as we get back to an uncapped league, New York will have a new stadium, which mwans more $, and the lure of playing in the Big Apple is always one players will like.
I love Western New York, and I am not starting this as a hate fest towards the region.
But let's be fair here: With millions, I can think of 20+ NFL markets I would rather play in then Buffalo.
We just have to face reality: Like baseball, basketball and hockey, there are just places that will NOT land the big fish.
You think Lebron James would consider Milwaukee or Memphis even if they had loads of cap room? Not a chance!!!
Forget Free Agency, don't even worry the elite UFA's: We are not even sniffing any of these guys.
Just pray the Bills FO can master the draft and hire the right coaches to get the job done.