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Everything posted by Cornerville

  1. :thumbsup:
  2. 1984 Cutlass Brougham Edition...2 toned and a sweet ride
  3. Again I will ASK you....was he convicted? Answer: No...stop trying to stir the pot and deal with facts every so often, try it sometime.
  4. "Its Hard To Win In The NFL" Attack
  5. Why when it is just starting to get interesting?
  6. Hey if you are embarrassed, and if you live close to the Ralph, why don't YOU rent a room to him?
  7. People actually read this punk's work?
  8. Irving Fryar: 11th all time in receptions and barely ever mentioned And a strange one as a underrated 'receiver;" Larry Centers, who is 12th all-time in receptions
  9. Its funny how so many point out Miami's schedule...when the Bills schedule was very easy and yet the Bills went 7-9
  10. What is in Lake Erie that causes such sports pain, seriously?
  11. So wait, only 'Bible Thumpers' have an agenda...science does not? Ah I get it now
  12. Translation: I did not get the attention I yearn for in my original reply, so thus I needed to open up a new thread on a topic that has been beat to death
  13. World's last Losman fan? Stay here for about 10 minutes and that theory will be flushed down the toilet.
  14. And win like no other...try 0 Super Bowl titles and lots of failure and get back to me
  15. Definitely. I just believe in 2nd chances...did Vick do a horrible thing? Absolutely....now for the issue of 'most legit companies would not hire someone who did what Vick did" Talent and Winning > Morals in business, and the faster all of you get that, the faster you will understand it...Vick has a skill set that 99.9% of people in his field do NOT have...MILLIONS play football..thousands make the league...and only hundreds excel in that field...sorry to say, that talent and winning will always supersede morals.in the business of sports (unless you gamble on your own sport, the integrity of the game being compromised hurts the bottom line)..especially considering he SERVED his time and now he is able to play again. Now if Vick messed up again....then that is a different story...
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