I see it here so often...dozens of threads a year, maybe more....ESPN snubbed us...love us...talk about us...please Colin Cownerd, please VALIDATE my team...as of they are the authority...please tell me how good the Bills are...how dangerous they can be etc...I NEED this to show that my team matters..
Please...I really want to get into the psyche of the Bills fan here who watches ESPN all the time, craving for that validation from Mike and Mike, or Colin Cowherd, or whomever...why does this matter so much? Why is it important for sports people in the middle of nowhere in Connecticut to tell us how good we are, or give us attention?
You want attention? Win games. You want Mort at your camp? Win games. You want ESPN to talk to you BESIDES T.O? Win games. They have NOT done that in 9 years. Without T.O, we are as compelling nationally as the Milwaukee Bucks in the NBA...sorry to say.
P.S. And I know most of you will come here and say, eh I never watch ESPN, but yet you know EXACTLY what they talk about...let's just come clean here: We all watch ESPN, for better or for worse.