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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. IMO Larry Johnson and a DOnald Driver is worth more than Rudi Johnson and Marv Harrision..(based on possible picks at those spots)..I would NOT do it..#1 overall in my league along with an 8th, 9th, 12th just went for a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th
  2. depending on your scoring system..I do not see him giving up manning for anything, unless you threw him LT
  3. This team is actually a group of good eggs...not a bad guy in the bunch..they just got Villanona'd
  4. entertaining..are you some kind of idiot...
  5. FF is just like Poker..the occasional schmoe will win everyone once in a while, but overall the better players will rise to the top
  6. i'd hit it, then head over to the sizzler for the aarp discount with her...
  7. send me $350..if your house falls down from an earthquake, I will come rebuild it...
  8. why couldn't thurston and lovie fly a Helicoptor in...and what were they traveling with these doofuses for anyway...
  9. he only cries when hungry..like dad
  10. I usually play $1/$2 one time I played $5/$10 PL...dealt KK first hand..not sure if you have ever played Pot Limit, but the pots get crazy as people tend to just bet pot all of the time...well I had KK and this guy starts raising like a nut...flop comes K93 rainbow...guy keeps betting like a nut..turn and river are nothing..pot ends up being $2400..guy had AA...kaaaaaaaaa-ching...i almost had a heart attack...
  11. Happy Birthday Bud....my how you have grown... August 30 2005 Oct 2005 Nov 2005 Dec 2005 Jan 2006 Feb 2006 March 2006 we must have lost you in April.... May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006
  12. slick18...will break you
  13. whats your handle...
  14. No responses needed..I am building a website and was just curious...question is if you have an old 401k account still at an old employer(have not rolled it over to an IRA or to your current 401k) Thanks...
  15. in other news cheeseburgers taste good
  16. I miss DC Tom....he was dreamy
  17. can I reserve a soft grassy spot to pass out on?
  18. i think it is the best JLH has looked...I hate when woman are shaped like a 2x4
  19. hmmmmmmm
  20. The sh--: Who the !@#$ are the Knutsens?
  21. Greece...you will thank me later...
  22. as much as hemmheroids
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