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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. c Cups d cups DD cups
  2. my wife used to hand me my son while I was in the shower..she would then wash him while I held him...much quicker that way..we did this pretty early on..
  3. low rider jeans have already filled my head with that horrible image....note to women..if you look lik eme..do not wear low rider jeans with a belly shirt...
  4. a few years ago when we played Miami at home and we were both beyond terrible...we were chanting...WE SUCK LESS...WE SUCK LESS...good times
  5. view from the back please...
  6. possibly something will be mentioned in the mothers obituary....i feel so bad for these kids...
  7. Palm Isle...rumor is that JP f'd the barmaid last trip
  8. so tragic...
  9. i have discovered all of them on different sites....BF, Ice, Spiked, NJSUE...good times
  10. lol..i fixed my drunken-esque post..i think Salvatores...
  11. yes my buddies have tix..prob at shooters.
  12. mmmm hot mayonaise sandwiches
  13. I like gummi bears...they are chewy
  14. i'd like to puh her down some stairs....
  15. Careful what you wish for....
  16. possibly
  17. Where is Blufin Blufin and his brother bought me 20 beers at LuLu's in Lauderdale His brother looked like Dave Wanstedt Wannstedt is silly and used to coach the dolfelons I hate the dolfelons and hope they all get the clap
  18. 1)explosive diarrhea 5)I HATE THE miami dolphins
  19. 11) time DJ Midnight Arrives...1015AM 12)time Ghandi Arrives....1235PM 13)amount of times Marty asks where Wendy the Ticket Girl is....8 14)Beers I drink walking from our tailgate to the TBD tailgate...4 1/2
  20. Bratilslava....
  21. congradulations...youse guys hijacked this thread...what a bunch of loosers...
  22. sign Miller to a 31 Year contract...lets hsow them how its done
  23. looks like a 9/22 meeting...who is in?
  24. the laughs you would get from this are well worth the price..
  25. was he wearing red cowboy boots?
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