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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. And from Brant-Reservation Rd, Brant, where he now teaches at Starpoint, number 46, former hit batsman record holder for the years 2000 to 2006 inclusive, Endzonecrew.
  2. HB option....
  3. some fine talent at the yard today...BTW check my lesbian post for people making out in front of us part 2.....
  4. we get to our seats today...some turd and his girlfriend were making out for like 3 straight minutes during the game...1980's style porno kissing.....luckily they left like 15 minutes into the game....I am guessing to jig in the bathroom...I may have to buy the row in front of me next year...
  5. they were a little full...
  6. HBD dickfer
  7. a warning or something would have been nice..or maybe take them in a private entrance...to shut down an entire gate that feeds the entire endzone is stupid
  8. caused a HUGE back up to get into the game...we missed the first 5 minutes because of it....WTF
  9. yes you are so kind as well...nice day on TBD
  10. yes I will be at the game..what's the big deal
  11. sorry I have not gotten back to you on PM...will reply soon
  12. i am not going to lie..she is hot
  13. I may have some Genny light tonight...mmmmmmmm
  14. 830-9am for the guy....if you see ezc-diddy, wish him a happy birth diddy.....
  15. my biggest concern is B-diddy handing off to c-diddy for the Vikes...i may get nervous and have to drop a B-doody....
  16. crayonz...like an old willie mays in the OF...sad so sad to watch
  17. Saved by the Bell...The Rusty Trombone Years
  18. rumor has it he performs the DIRTY SANCHEZ in the movie...well done Samuel..well done...I believe Zack also performed the Dirty Sanchez on Slaters sister JB in episode 213...
  19. More my style
  20. A flute without holes, is not a flute. A donut without a hole, is a Danish.
  21. when does the humpfest begin
  22. i got 5 other chicks if you want a group thing..bring plenty of sandwiches though
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