I think the power of Mark Miller has turned the Bills season...they are 4-2 since this was posted and could have gone 6-0....Mark Miller Superfan....YOU COMPLETE ME
yes they are...my favorite is "The Offical First Down Man" sits right above the tunnel....I am biased though as I sat by him for 5 years....
First Down man & taterhill
is Binghampton the new name for Binghamton? shoot me a PM when you start making posts that make sense or maybe that one other person in the world agrees with...
maybe b/c ALbany is in a terrible division, while UB plays in a very tough under-rated one...never let the facts get in the way of a good rant...what was Reggie supposed to do with a VERY tired team vs a charachter Pitt team that stepped up their D 5-fold down the stretch?