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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. the way I see it..he made out well...getting Gail Stanwyck after the police commish shot Alan....
  2. I sold me 300 level tix a few weeks back for like 140 and picked up a 200 level pair on the Sabres replay for 175...so sitting in the clubs for $35...not too shabby....
  3. it basically comes down to this...when I sit with the north towners in the 100/200 level we lose...when I sit in the 300 level with my south town, lunch pail compadres....we roll.....I sat in the 100 level vs the 1st Leafs game...we got rolled....I sat in the 200 level last night...we got rolled....
  4. USS Mark Miller.....Iraq is going down Gary...only the US is going to win...yyyyyyyeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  5. how and why do you find all of this nonsense?
  6. reminds me of week 1...saw this hottie near our tailgate...her shirt says.. I LOVE DICK jauron
  7. me fail English? That's unpossible
  8. I thought 11th TB was rock paper scissors?
  9. you are probably right...more horrifying though will be him hearing the stories of how daddy fell into the ditch with no pants on on xmas eve after the Bills whooped the Titans to control their own destiny for the playoffs....unfortunatley for daddy...he has the self control of a person with tourettes....
  10. no..when you are running smack at someone in the midst of a brawl..you should know there is a chance you could get popped....
  11. this could be fun... Jesus Quintana... 8 Year olds dude...by the way NSFW...F- bombs included...
  12. FWIW..you cannot be sucker punched when you are staring and jawing at someone..
  13. I will be missing the game...my sons first christmas where he will somewhat know what is going on...
  14. wow
  15. check out stubhub...they have some nice deals.....and try using this code for $20 off....HOL202 StubHub
  16. Takashi came up Huge.....
  17. hang on..I think I have one here...
  18. my IQ is 64
  19. there's a few..one of which is yellow
  20. was it D Holding? I never heard what it was...that was pretty neat at the end...probably about 15000 people still in the stadium going nuts and making quite a bit of noise to try and help keep the shutout....
  21. anyone see the mini Hulk Hogan i the EZ...hilarious
  22. seems to be the norm with most of your thoughts and opnions
  23. I say 50% of the crowd was under dressed yesterday.....
  24. fall down some stairs
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