Good stuff...this reminds me of one of many stories I have like this...back in 2000, 3 of us went up to Syracuse for a compliance meeting for our B/D....after the meeting we had a 2 hour open bar, followed by a Syracuse Crunch AHL game, and then off to the of the guys with us, we used to refer to as "THAT" guy....for those that do not know what that is...remember the last time you went to the bar and saw some stumbling idiot and said..."oh my...check out "THAT" guy"........well we knew if we got him around 7-8 beers..."THAT" guy would come out in full force....sure enough...he slams about 8 Coors Light in like 45 minutes during the open bar...continues at the Crunch game, and more at the bar afterwards...we as soon as we get to the bar"that" guy comes out...shirt off, wants to arm wrestle he can pick anyone up at the bar....well one of the guys there was like 375lbs..he tries to pick him up like 3 times...fails miserably...the big guy then grabs him and bodyslams him on the ground...his bareback hits the ground and sounded like raw meat hitting the was hilarious...we still laugh about....getting someone bombed is one of lifes simple pleasures.....