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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. 80/20 ratio...
  2. in the Blues....people were passing out in the Golds behind the net...
  3. I was there...
  4. The Friars Table....
  5. I always liked the name of a bar that wa sin Angola long ago...STEAMBOAT WILLIES....bar was in SOuth Buffalo for a while...WHISKEY DICKS
  6. ask her tomorrow if she went to the Bills Home opener last year....Thanks
  7. I have heard good things about it...I believe it is owned by Leon Carosi? Thanks...
  8. Save me some leftovers..
  9. mmm Chiavettas chicken, taters, and salad....delicious..though I may need a nap now...
  10. She's a fantastic gal. I mean, fantastic! BTW..great line here....When Hanrahan found out about it, he went crazy. He said if I was a dyke, that made him a queer.
  11. MAN LAW...if you have not seen Slapshot...you are not a man
  12. i know...2 slapshot threads in one day...but did you know...that Suzanne Hanrahan is also Ralphies mom in A Christmas Story ....I laughed out loud when I first heard this...
  13. http://slapshot.20m.com/cast/cast.htm
  14. Write in Candidates..Sparkle Twins, Dennis Lemieux's GF at the Pharmacy, Barmaid at the Palm Isle, and Evil Sopa Opera Charachter that was given the power of attorney on the oldman
  15. yes
  16. next time you are at work..go to DVD's..COmedy..."S" Section..grab Slapshot..place DVD in DVD Player...sit down...Laugh ass off..then come back and vote...
  17. Tough Choices...
  18. I once fell asleep on the can at a bar in Indy...lost about 50 minutes of my life..I thought that was bad..
  19. tomatos, peppers(hot and green), cukes, Eggplant, and a few more..nothing like fresh veggies all summer...
  20. I have thought about making it next year..my inlaws have a couple hundred acre grape farm...it smells so good out there in the fall....mmmmm grapey...
  21. http://p070.ezboard.com/bpricelineandexpediabidding
  22. I heard the Seneca Nation will buy them and move them to the Rez
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