awesome....I discovered this from 3 years ago...
[At the Sabres Fashion Show]
PA Announcer: Keep in mind that the perfect accessory for the man in your life is a season ticket to the Sabres' games.
Soup Cambell: I look like some cocksuckin' faggot. - Darcy, I don't care. Enough is enough. Nowhere in my contract does it say I gotta make a fool outta myself. Am I right? I'm gonna flash 'em, Joe. I'm gonna open this faggot robe and wiggle my dick.
Darcy:You will not.
Soup Cambell Yes I am, Darcy, and you know why? I want you to have a heart attack and die so we never have to do this again. - !@#$in' fashion show.
Darcy: It's good publicity. You fellas have not been drawin' 'em in the way you have in the past.
Soup Cambell: I'm gonna wiggle it at 'em, you cheap bastard. Be prepared, because when I yank it out, everybody in that audience except my wife is gonna be runnin' for the exits.