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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. cigar cutter..used earlier
  2. anyone that finished that ridiculous test is stupid..I think that is what it was measuring..
  3. just because he heard it does not mean there is not a link somewhere....lightenup Francis
  4. yawn...your act is tired..
  5. Congrats on another NCAA Tourney berth......
  6. Semenko passed the baton to McSqirrely
  7. Gretzkys fights....
  8. Dave Semenko protected Gretzky as an oiler
  9. guys excited about getting tix..lay off...unless this is one of your bad attempts at sarcasm..if so then ignore...
  10. what do you know about Juan Mendez
  11. yes I was thinking more of a trade then signing him
  12. first question is...is he even available..and if he is at what cost....
  13. just wondering, as I always thought this was foolish...
  14. Darcy Tucker
  15. Swan House
  16. take a look at some of my picks...medpatent....Anacot steel...and Bluestar air
  17. wow I just bought 1000 doughnuts...
  18. I was thinking of getting a Zubaginov jersey #1561...
  19. imagine being the #1 seed in the west and looking at Calgary round 1.....yikes
  20. Zubrus can be a difference maker NOW..Novotny and the 3oth pick in the draft are not....Plus Zubrus could be a player we look at(if he plays well down the stretch) if we cannot sign both Drury and Briere..I give Darcy an A for today
  21. stop the presses...I agree with you...
  22. marty to philly for a 2..conklin from CLBS for a 5
  23. details to follow
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