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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. go out and get laid...
  2. wow that was great...
  3. what happens if they tie...18 tomorrow?
  4. you're reaching...
  5. wow this is crazy golf
  6. Rocco said STFU Tiger WOW
  7. WOW...Tiger just said...STFU Tater after he hit that
  8. all tied up....good thing Rocco didnt concede the match when you guys said he was done
  9. it's official...you are a dickhead....
  10. I made my point very clearly....are you some sort of dickhead?
  11. Wow Rocco just missed an ace on 3...while Tiger is buried in the sand
  12. I have geocached a dump....you have 30 minutes to find it
  13. How funny would a final question of....Now Scott...many of our listeners would like to know your thoughts on past posters Ice, Spiked Lemonade, and BF in Indiana
  14. I thought I was the official spokesman? they may have a replay section on wben...maybe we can check it on there
  15. I am rooting for the Dutch..they have a fun country
  16. Time for this... A Town A Team A Dream
  17. I am hoping he can pull some strings upstairs for us....
  18. hilarious...how do you know so much about me....
  19. yes and it makes more sense than you...
  20. can you take your brain out at night?
  21. I think cops should be allowed to shoot more people....would clean up the gene pool a little bit...
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