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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. myself and EZC are a definite maybe
  2. I went to buy my son some gifts for his b-day at the Bills store...The Ralph looks glorious...I may even go back in a few days
  4. sssssssssssssssullllly
  5. who in the heck was your 3rd round pick?
  6. b/c you suck at all of the other choices...plus we have the only big dice game in the stadium
  7. you can do better than the 1st pic on google image search
  8. yes
  9. I just bought a pipe to smoke some fine tobaccy...any pipe smokers here to recommend some different tobacco? Not interested in the Mary Jane jokes...
  10. drinking is a given
  11. Washer Toss for this guy
  12. step 1. Fry French Fries step 2. Place cheese curds over hot fries step 3 pour Hot Gravy over Fries and curds Voila...Poutine...you can think me later....
  13. why is bowling not an olympic sport? Golf? Darts? Pool? Horseshoes? I am being serious
  14. i like being told what to do...in fact, I am awaiting for a call form my congressman now, so he can tell me wear to eat lunch....and later tonight, I would play some online poker, but my government decided I could not be trusted to do that....
  15. the kid has personality and a zest for life....to some that comes off as arrogant...i like the kid...
  16. the world almost ended when a washed up pop singer had her breast exposed for .00345 seconds...you really think they are going to trust a college sophomore/junior with a glass of wine?
  17. This is my official response
  18. Amazing
  19. 8 years of swimming? Next stop London
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