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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. Having been on this site for many years I always wonder.......where do people go that are on here all of the time and then vanish.....a couple people I wonder what happened to.... Blufin....Dolphins fan, but great guy we hung out with in 2003...may have bought myself and EZC 25 Bud Lights smokinandjokin....partied a few times with him at Bills and Sabres games...... Anyone have any others?
  2. Happy Birthday Former Focker
  3. The things I find funny.........Status update of a girl I went to HS with Girl I went to High School with OMG I loved my first facial...Hooooked 3 hours ago via Facebook for BlackBerry · Comment · LikeUnlike 4 people like this. Friend 1 Cannot believe you waited this long to get one! 3 hours ago Friend 2 Oh I LOVE those! Haven't had one in years! And actually think I've only had one myself...loved it! 3 hours ago
  4. Would it be Taboo or wouldnt a great movie be Jack Bauer hunting down and killing Bin Laden.....
  5. See you in a few years for 24 the Movie.....The Hunt for Jack Bauer
  6. [Jimmy has just signed a baseball for a little boy] Little Boy: [reading] Avoid the clap, Jimmy Dugan. Jimmy Dugan: Hey, that's good advice!
  7. or you could live in Buffalo...have high property taxes, high sales taxes, AND high income tax
  8. I would have a real big problem if I had to blow into a breathalizer every time I started my car...gov't interferes with my life enough as it is....
  9. No responses to jack "the Killing Machine" Bauer?
  10. Bob Levy KILLED....laughed so hard my face hurt
  11. Bob Levy actually left the stern channels.....Beet is the only one technically from the show still...should be a good time...3 comedians and the beetlejuice experience
  12. Pretty cool....ill buy some season tickets....add them to the list...
  13. I went to Old Main Inn in Fredonia on my 21st....did about 25 shots of kamchatka...made out with a fat girl, ate about 7 slices of pizza and woke up in a field....All in all a good night
  14. I would NEVER pay a PSL.....what's next Beer PSL? You need to pay a onetime $1000 fee for the right to buy $9 beers?
  15. They called me for tix...
  16. You went to Silver Creek? My Cousin is the Varsity Lacrosse Coach there...nice program
  17. Incredible talent, but doesnt seem to have the IT to put his team over the top....IF Lebron ever wins at title he will do it with another 1A like Dwayne Wade...Arod finally won a title, but did so with about 5 other superstars on his team and didnt need to be THE guy.....also all of their answers seem to be contrived and canned.....I also liked both alot when they came into the league, but as time goes on the both seem like phonies that I root against....
  18. There is no way he did not see this beforehand....would be funny if a cop in town pulled him over for going 31 in a 30 mph speed zone Stay Classy Coach
  19. Lebron reminds me of Arod in so many ways...
  20. We usually specialize in drinking marathons....he strayed form the pack
  21. Wait until next week....when Jack is "talking" to him
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