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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. every gate was jammed up
  2. Gate 8 took us about 35 minutes
  3. I posted it in the other thread too...it was pitch black in the bathroom in our section...also I have no idea how Trent ran a two minute offense with no time clock..
  4. it was pitch black in the bathrooms...I think I was violated....luckily I went into the lady's room by mistake
  5. what was funny was the crowd singing the shout song after a TD when we had no power
  6. We used to Roll the Golf Club when I played Beer League Hockey back in the late 1990's....It is funny there are some places I refuse to go to b/c their team was full of a-holes
  7. why do all Plumbers look like they want to Kill me
  8. next thing you are going to tell me is that Sarah Palin doesnt have a friend with the last name SixPack
  9. what can I get for $250?
  10. ..you know there were some poor schmucks that said on Friday...I cant take it anymore, I am selling everything out....
  11. worked pretty well on my 2 1/2 bagger on MS....
  12. There is a place on Delware called Buddies...they have the best Sausage in town
  13. Main Street America is doing what they do best...selling low and buying high
  14. According to Dalbar, the average equity mutual fund investor earned less than inflation over the past 19 years. Fear and greed lead many investors in the chase for returns. Let's take a look at the numbers. According to the Dalbar study going back to 1984: - The average investor earned: 2.7% a year - Inflation grew 3.14% a year - The S&P 500 earned 12.22% a year How does this happen? Selling in to down markets and buying into up markets....
  15. I still believe in the fundamentals of Anacot Steel
  16. well by next week the Cowboys may be worth more than GM
  17. The media is adding fuel to the fire also, as "experts" are telling the average Joe to STOP contributing to their 401k....I am getting calls from people asking me this, because that is what they are being told....
  18. what are you talking about Dan Dorfman from CNBC gave it his Gold rating....I expect a HUGE pop
  19. I have been loading up on the following Med Patent Anacot Steel Farrowtech
  20. or as my kid says....up-a-side down
  21. every time I see a selloff like this I think of Randolph Duke.......SELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
  22. I like how they blurr out the logos, but anyone that is ever played house hockey in Buffalo knows every color by team...funny
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