Just to let you know..you are 10x more annoying than any Bosox or Yanks fan on this board....if you think Matt Morris, Jeff Suppan, Cris Carpenter and Woody Williams will roll over playoff caliber teams you are nuts....
ONly Problem...the last big name player to be traded, during the season was...the Biscuit trade in 1987....so as I shake my Magic 8-ball...it says....outlook not so good...
the EndZoneCrew is about 25 rows above you, if you are using R. Rich's seat...17 lunatic season tix holders 3 rows above the tunnel, in section 122..I may or may not be sitting with them, but a few guys from the board will be there....stop up for a touchdown pile on....
that is terrible....first you use butter, then you fry the bologna, add cheese, 12-13 slices should do it, add to slightly toasted HARD ROLL, top with Webers mustard....ketchup on fried bologna is just wrong on so may levels