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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. I am interested, PM the details
  2. ok who are they, I am too lazy to look it up
  3. H B-day Big Dooooofus
  4. I 100% guarantee that this is not true, if so then why are you not on the WPT?
  5. I vote for no seats in the endzone
  6. shouldn't reading chairs be shaped like a toilet
  7. yea Minnesota dropped ya..it's in the Hockey News, I'll save it for ya
  8. HaHaHa...you guys got hosed
  9. Lard Ass Barkley Donaldson
  10. The EndZoneCrew look like a bunch of punks
  11. putting it in my VCR as we speak.....
  12. no touch up icing, full two minute power plays
  13. M Traky aka The Bitterman is staying at the Hill Estate In South B-lo Saturday...possible Duffs/Anchor Bar visit in our future Sat Night...you in?
  14. Reggie Dunlop : I am personally placing a hundred-dollar bounty on the head of Tim McCracken. He's the head coach and chief punk on that Syracuse team. Jim Carr : A bounty? Reggie Dunlop : Yeah, one hundred bucks of my own money for the first of my men who really creams that guy. Jim Carr : Here's a name for you nostalgia fans: Clarence "Screaming Buffalo" Swamptown. I'll never forget an exclusive interview in which Swamptown revealed that he calls his hockey stick the "Big Tomahawk," and he usually refers to the opposing players as "the little scalps". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jim Carr : Andre "Poodle" Lussier, defense. Andre, as you know, has been living in semi-seclusion in Northern Quebec ever since the unfortunate Denny Pratt tragedy. Morris Wanchuk : Not Poodle. Jim Carr : And from Mile 40, Saskatchewan, where he now runs a donut shop, number 10, former penalty-minute record holder for the years 1960 to 1968 inclusive, Gilmore Tuttle. Jim Carr : This young man has had a very trying rookie season, with the litigation, the notoriety, his subsequent deportation to Canada and that country's refusal to accept him, I guess that's more than most 21-year-olds can handle. Number six, Ogie Oglethorpe. SlapShot
  15. You will Lose... tater Drago
  16. In Seat Lap Dances....Fried Baloney, a cap for my 4th quarter diet Pepsi,
  17. in our group we have season ticket holders from Boston. Mass(2 tickets), Ithaca, NY, and Huntington Beach, Cali
  18. cool, if you see those guys tell them tater hill said hi, last I heard Caldwell was working as a scout for the Colts....that was 2 summers ago I think
  19. you know Ken Stoddart, Tom Erickson, Dave Ball, Bill Troy, Caldwell and the boys...I used to hang out with those guys all of the time...
  20. Good...Roy Bad...GreGG, Mike, Ricky TD should have this on a 3x5 card in his suit coat
  21. NEW RULE...always draft any available ROY WILLIAMS in any draft
  22. someone has to do it...Boooya
  23. Rich, I could not agree more
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