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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. Bellhorn is terrible
  2. everyone should know hw this will end..Boston wins tonight, takes a 3 run lead into the 9th tomorrow and gags it away....
  3. Seattle -1, St Louise -.5
  4. found some great stuff over at fin heaven DOA Fire Wanny Fin fan who lost a bet
  5. If this made any sense skippy, then I would argue it....we all know that it takes 4 games to win the series..I think you are just starting to realize this....down down down...the cards are going down
  6. I was just wondering, since it was already decided the other 7 teams in the playoffs were playing for a world series loss....down down down, the Cards are going down
  7. IF? I thought it was in the bag??IF? That does not sound very confident
  8. (In his stupid John Kerry Voice)...I have a plan, so that there will be no more break-in's, and if there is I will hunt down the burglar myself, and bring him to justice.....
  9. 20 minutes? maybe 20 seconds
  10. The Cards better jump on Pete Munro early or Lidge is capable of shutting the door from the mid 7th inning on....I would Be very aFraid Cardinal fan
  11. as long as Bison chip dip was included
  12. 2-3-2 or 2-2-1-1-1 are the only choices
  14. I am not watching, was it a hit and run?
  15. if they do re-open, I suggest not charging for refills on diet pepsi..went there once and cost me $6.50 for diet Pepsi...never went back again
  16. well,other than the Big BILLS WIN, was the 5 chicks stripping on top of the bus, before the game, in the Lot 3 Bus lot...WOOOO HOOOOOO
  17. snow=good cold=good sideways frozen rain=no good
  18. sleet and windy...should be a terrific tailgate
  19. I am gong to guess Olean? If so congrats...my Lake SHore Eagles are having a great season too.. I love their new Eagle helmets
  20. Tater 1 Pile of sausage 0
  21. I think it is drive 3, just look for the DJ and bar set up behind Louies hotdogs
  22. there are always tons available inthe parking lot
  23. there will be tons available in the parking lot
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