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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. there is a large group..we will be playing washer toss, just ask for Tater, someone will direct you to me....or you could look for the guy with the hockey sock hat...that would be me
  2. Lot 3..directly behind Louies Hot Dogs....against the guardrail....you will probably spot EndZoneCrew, as he is 6'6"....
  3. stop over to Drive 3 and you can have a beer with the 22 other idiots that I have season tickets with....
  4. i am a season ticket holder and have been since 1996...I will continue to be a season ticket holder until I am dead and gone from this earth....if this makes me an idiot, well then I am an idiot...I want the Bills to win as much as the next guy, but I am not going to take my ball and go home if they do not...thanks, now we will return to our regular scheduled programming.....
  5. Joe Will be there, as will half of Angola
  6. unfortunately, I will not be there...yes, I know I am bush league
  7. that is wrong...Ice said that we all need to stay away from the stadium until we have been in the playoffs for 2 years....man that would be embarassing that second year if we won the Super Bowl in the first playoff appearance though
  8. was this directed at me?
  9. No Baha Cabania?
  10. yawn....so according to your plan, everyone should stay home....sometimes you really are a moron...did you ever think that some people, like myself, go to these games for more than just the actual game itself...a football game is entertainment...from the time I get there at 8am until I leave around 6pm...sometimes the 1-4pm portion is great, sometimes it sucks....if this makes me an idiot, then, well I am an idiot....
  11. hide the pickle? may have to try that tonight....
  12. I agree on buying the term insurance at a younger age.... a smart finincial plan for a younger person, and the insurance will no longer be needed when the term insurance expires...as far as the rule of thumb, that depends on other income sources...do you have a pension, etc..but 20x salary would put you in a great spot.......Merrill should be able to provide pretty much anything you are looking for about the PPN
  13. States Offering Tax Deductions or Credits to In-State Investors on 529 Education Plan Contributions Colorado Michigan Oregon District of Columbia Mississippi Rhode Island Georgia Missouri South Carolina Idaho Montana Utah Illinois Nebraska Vermont Iowa New Mexico Virginia Kansas New York West Virginia Louisiana Ohio Wisconsin Maryland Oklahoma
  14. Based on what?
  15. did he stiff you for an autograph or something...he won a freaking playoff game in Lambeau field....THE ONLY TIME IN PACKERS PLAYOFF HISTORY THEY HAVE LOST A GAME THERE.....
  16. Independent Financial Advisor
  17. GE is a great stock, b/c you basically get a mutual fund of companies with GE, but it can never hurt to diversify
  18. yes check out the Orange Account from ING direct, as it appears to be the best rate around....anything else above that, you will be taking some risk, wheter is is market risk with stocks, or interest rate risk with bonds....if you are up for some risk, look for some high dividend paying blue chip stocks
  19. imo, you should be doing both....it is tough to know which will be better long term, b/c nobody knows what the future will hold as far as tax laws....the reason I like the Roth IRA is that it provides you a tax fee nest egg for retirement....also it is very flexible for someone looking to retire before 59 1/2, as contributions can be taken out w/o penalty or tax consequence....you cannot go wrong with the 401k, but be careful, as you do not want all of your money tied up until 59 1/2...also keep i mind there is a way to get money out of a 401k or IRA before 59 1/2...it is called a 72(t) distribution...but that is for another conversation
  20. after reading through the 401K thread, I have noticed that there is a lot of misinformation and questions regarding financial matters...ask away, as this is what I do for a living..I will answer as well as I can, and if I do not know the answer, I will find it for you...no question is stupid, and if you do not want to put your question on here, feel free to PM me...also, I will not give you stock tips
  21. that is incorrect, 401k distributons...are taxed at a regular income rate....
  22. wahhhh..my arm got cut off by a lawnmower
  23. im..kelddy cdarkson..... Fred the Elephant Boy
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