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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. season ticket $ is due in b/n feb-may...be there or be square...
  2. quit bugging me...go play with your toys, I NEED to post on two Bills Drive... that is the way I see it goiong down
  3. my life is just fine skippy
  4. HPE was on Hollywierd Squares on E! last night as Kellly clahhhkson...funny funny stuff
  5. is this a keeper league? how many wr do you have to start..oh wait this is not a FF question
  6. makes me fell a part of something....to bring out his full moron potential
  7. it is more interesting to follow you around this board,and make you look like a fool, then it is to ignore you
  8. what? honestly..there is more intelligent stuff in a roadside porto-john
  9. he heard they had all you could eat sausage every thursday night
  10. you really are moving back home?
  11. i believe they offer that as a topping now on their tacos
  12. so now you are telling people where they can and cannot live...nice....ok, i need to know...I was thinking of going to Mighty Taco for luch..is this OK...please let me kow asap, b/c I am getting hungry...i vote Ice finds another team to root for, so he can annoy their fans on internet message boards....try the texans, they are close to you, and have a new fan base that you could hop on and nobody would notice...
  13. i do not need to post long winded nonsense to show that you are a clown...i will let you post and do the work for me
  14. you are too much...the guy that throw insults and names around like a 6th grader is calling someone immature....
  15. 100% agree, I am 30 Years old and have liked U2 for almost my entire life...
  16. this is the funniest thing you have posted...i guess I will be taking it in the ass this Sunday....you should be so proud that you are SUCH A MAN
  17. you really are a moron
  18. get lost loser...my post was in direct contrast to your idiotic rant...boycott the Bills until they put a product on the field...yeah good one...what's next ...tell people to not pay taxes until social security is straightened out...or how about boycott gas until the war on terror is won
  19. SIRI is trading at 5.60...up over 18% since the market closed in after hours trading..... nice... Ex-Viacom exec Mel Karmazin named Sirius chief
  20. man this is funnier than Prime time TV
  21. the student conquers the master.....
  22. she def was naked under that towel..... WOW
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