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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. who said we are happy with what is going on? But this is what we have right now, so I choose to enjoy wins, even if they are during a lost season. It is better than being bitter and joylous, as you choose to live....
  2. so by your logic, we should not watch or care, once we are eliminated form the playoffs...sounds logical
  3. that would make our playoff run a hell of a lot easier
  4. dude that is so immature
  5. Ice you just won the Lotto.."yes but I have to Pay all of these taxes." Ice your kid just got accepted to an Ivy league School" Have you seen the tuition at those places." Ice the Bills just won the SuperBowl.."Yes but they beat the 6th seed from the NFC" Do I have to remind you that they lost to Miami earlier in the year....
  6. Mike Martz makes Gregggggg Williams look like Viince Lombardi...Martz is AWFUL
  7. kept your rep...that is all that matters
  8. how did he stand up for himself? he was hit with a plastic cup....i have been hit with so many things at Bills games that I cannot count....does this casue me to fly off the handle and start throwing haymakers in the direction that it came from? NO...because I am sane, not insane like Artest...yes I get pissed, then, I realize that, it is not worth it..
  9. being at the game, i had no idea that we contained him that much...wow, nice job D
  10. no but I have a career and family to think about, if someone does something that deserves me to get violent, then it will be on, but until then, i think it is foolish...
  11. you asked what I would do at work...you need to follow along
  12. call security and have him thrown out, as most level headed, sensible people would
  13. and how do you know that JP would have made that throw?
  14. Kermit ,also, almost killed Rudy T
  15. $98 per plate...that is crazy...fortunately my wife's family is in the catering biz....because $98x400 people would not have made my wife's father too happy....yikes.....
  16. do you know a good vet? baaaaaahhhhhh
  17. teeth marks? are you dating a wild animal? WTF, dude you need to get with ladies more often, if you are letting them give and you are giving hickeys
  18. Tie never went into the stands..the knucklehead fell through the glass and Tie Gave him the five knuckle salute
  19. i laugh out loud and point if I ever see a person with a hickey...and it is usually at wal-mart
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