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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. last time I was at an un-named club...the dancers were not really interested in the lap dancing, as it seemed the menu had expanded
  2. Steve..get a job over at bustyadventures.com and let me know when the camera guy gets sick..I will fill in
  3. oh I mean...what are you talking about
  4. true is is not a reason to not go....girls from Hungary, Czech Rep, Romania, Russia, Austria are top notch
  5. first time I checked that site...not realy porn IMO...people made it seem as if you were the camera man for the Bangbus
  6. remember when LT snapped his leg....good times
  7. Some nights it is like being at the UN....so many countries in the same room
  8. I once had a free sample at Wegmans and did not buy it...should I be waiting for the cops to come....
  9. Canada will never be the same
  10. that is why last year was great...8:30PM start...oh yeah then the game started....
  11. you should, I will burn some from Kazaa and send them to you...
  12. I just saw Wish upon a Weinstein...too funny
  13. I voted for the Simpsons b/c there are so many great episodes, but the Family Guy is closing in fast on my list...BTW I have never seen an episode of South Park
  14. I could not be this stupid if I tried
  15. usually I find myself involved...I should know that if it is over 3 pages, either Ice or BF is involved and nonsense is plenty
  16. man I almost missed this....
  17. Pirates picked up Mark Redman and Aurthur Rhodes.....big things in 2005
  18. good stuff...
  19. Have you guys watched the unit pitch...he is as filthy as ever
  20. yes I agree. I need some Genevieve pics
  21. I could drink my ESPN gatorade while I am on the phone...Brilliant
  22. it would be a nice story as he never played college Lacrosse or anything...played in the indoor league on the Indian Reservation near my hometown...talk about some tough games...you want to see some serious action...if you are ever in the Buffalo area, check out a Newtown vs Six Nations mens lacrosse game...not a lot of love there
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