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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. yes and i believe that Albert Einstein is next weeks guest
  2. you can disable the sharing aspect of kazaa
  3. everyone knows the tastiest sweetest clams are the tight ones....also Jim Norton killed me...I have a ton of old O& A shows, great stuff
  4. rain man was a wiz at the tables though...
  5. my fave was when they(O&A) did the impression of the QVC or home shopping sports card guy, selling Britney Spears virginity....F Sammy Sosa, F Mark McGwire, we are selling Britney Spears virginity....
  6. T-bone...about as funny as hemmeroids on a cross country flight
  7. I may be spreading propoganda, since the moon is not really made of ribs
  8. 100% honest on taxes, complete stops at stop signs, never waiting under a light and turning while it is red, at or under the speed limit while driving, never read someone elses news paper, passed someone on the highway, and immediately returned the right lane...I am sure all of you here in the moral police do all of this
  9. funny that none of you have never done ANYTHING Illegal or unethical in your life....
  10. $300 an hour, tipping optional...if the leg falls off, there is a return address on the thigh
  11. beer and more beer, also call joe and weasel your way into the salvatores party...FREE BEER
  12. well blow her back up, because this is the stupidest thread ever
  13. what are you looking for?
  14. yes great game...what was better was a drunken 22 YO taterhill handing napkins and kleenex to the dolhin fans on the way out for their tears...good times
  15. are you kidding me....you people need to get with some ladies....
  16. did you hear the phone sex with Nicole Bass
  17. are you kidding...let it go man
  18. spoken like a single man...my wedding needed to be fat guy friendly(not hot outside)...Iwill be back next year...just taking 1 year off
  19. I am not sure, but that is what i heard..GTR was also the first one for me...me Ghandi, and Don Herc, back when they used to raffle of lap dances...
  20. you are not funny, and yes Joe will be there
  21. you can tell you have been gone for a while...PP is ok, GTR i think burned down a few years ago...This is all you need to know.....drive right by Ft Erie....go to Niagara Falls....Sundowner for Hot chicks...Seductions for foreign chicks with expanded menus
  22. Joe(EZC) Loves Blondies right on the BLVD...that is where he got his football shaped cup(this said cup also caused him to pass out at 8:02PM at his own stag, but that is another story) and where we saw the Ultimate dolfan....some dork all dressed up in Miami gear and a helmet...he was about ready to cry after we were making fun of him for carrying around and giving us his own, homemade football cards....
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