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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. was there before the NE game...the wings were HUGE
  2. he likes to think of himself as this high and mighty Bills fan, when in reality he is a bitter person that gets ZERO joy out of anything in life....I DESPISE this type of person....he is probably the type that complains about everything at work, and as soon as people see him coming, they knock each other over to get the hell away from him....
  3. as Chris Farley would say...that would be awwwwesome
  4. what is timmah?
  5. Roth played because he HAD to..if Maddox did not get hurt, I guarantee he would still be playing
  6. funny how you ignore the fact that Palmer sat ALL of last year...nice to see you do not like to let facts get in the way
  7. Please go away...you are not wanted here..contain yourself to your own moronic threads
  8. did you meet up with Joe and the rest of the crew
  9. I almost broke my leg jumping off
  10. I will raise you T...I am F---ing loving it...
  11. ice you are a jackass....if you were looing at write a look at me post..mission accomplished
  12. I just said it...then threw up in my mouth...I will be back
  14. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walter Sobchak: OVER THE LINE! Smokey: Huh? Walter Sobchak: I'm sorry, Smokey. You were over the line that's a foul. Smokey: stevestojan. Mark it 8, Dude. Walter Sobchak: Uh, excuse me. Mark it zero. Next frame. Smokey: stevestojan, Walter. Mark it 8, Dude. Walter Sobchak: Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Dude: Walter, ya know, its Smokey, so his foot slipped over the line a little, big deal. Walter Sobchak: Dude, this is a league game, the winner of this gets to progress into the next round robin. Am I wrong? Am I wrong? Smokey: Yeah but I wasn't over. Walter Sobchak: [pulls out a gun] Smokey you are about to enter a world of pain. Smokey: Yeah but... Walter Sobchak: [shouting] A world of pain. Smokey: Dude, could you... The Dude: Jesus Walter, you bring a !@#$ing gun bowling? Walter Sobchak: [shouting] Has the whole world gone crazy? Am I the only one who pays attention to the rules any more? Smokey: Yeah but... Walter Sobchak: [shouting] You think i'm !@#$ing around? I'm not !@#$ing around! [points gun in Smokey's face] Walter Sobchak: Mark it zero! !@#$ing mark it zero. The Dude: They're calling the cops, man. Smokey: All right, its !@#$ing zero. Are you happy now you crazy !@#$? Walter Sobchak: ...Its a league game Smokey...
  15. Walter Sobchak: You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me. The Dude: Yeah, but Walter... Walter Sobchak: Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o'clock this afternoon... with nail polish.
  16. this isn't 'nam smokey, there are rules,
  17. love the spanish verison of Hotel California in the background
  18. has anyone seen Beetlejuice in Indiana
  19. also I just listened to them talking about the HBO special..Middle school confessions...Norton talking about his childhood...I lived close to the school..I would go home...grab a hustler...Scrap, then come back to tschool...I laughed for about 10 minutes when I heard him say scrap
  20. enabled...you designate a sharing folder....all items in this folder are up for grabs, so you can either move all your files out of there or hit the disable button.....
  21. The BF portion is like JEsus in the Big Lebowski...has no real part in it, nothing would change if he was not in there, but man it really makes the movie work...
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