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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. about a QP should be good for the concert
  2. are there any TBD police on duty...we have ourselves a regular cyber stalker...get a life skippy
  3. screw winnie...Kevin should have stayed with Becky Slater
  4. diff't strokes for diff't folks...I find DOn Imus to be a step below root canal surgery...but some like his monotone, lack of humor, try my salsa style....I think he is terrible...sometimes Howard gets boring, but IMO, some of his bits lately have been funnier than ever..Richard Christie freakin kills me....I have been listening to Stern since the early 1990's and find his show as funny as it has ever been
  5. also if we "youngsters", with no attention span, drive, and love for reality TV are referred to as the "Hot Pocket" generation...does that make the old crotchidies(I think I just made up a word) who haven't updated their cassette players, think other music than old fashioned RnR is crap, and basically are miserable human beings, the "Pot Pie" generation......click...ooooo have to turn the pot pie in the toaster oven...only 75 more minutes until I can eat......
  6. I think it is funny that "Hot Pockets" has Jumped the Shark on TBD
  7. Hopefully HBO
  8. I saw that July 05 Alaska Darin 25,000 post call options are at $1.25..easy money IMO
  9. Tom Hanks has some classics in "A League of Their Own" Ira Lowenstein: Until you did that, I couldn't tell if you were... drunk or dead. Jimmy Dugan: It was made very clear to me what I'm supposed to do here. I smile, wave my little hat... I did that, so when do I get paid? Ira Lowenstein: Now, Jimmy, you have some pretty good ballplayers here. You ought to give them a little bit of your... Jimmy Dugan: [interrupting] Ballplayers. I don't have ballplayers, I've got girls. Girls are what you sleep with after the game, not, not what you coach during the game. [spits] Ira Lowenstein: If we paid you a little bit more, Jimmy, do you think you could be just a little more disgusting? Jimmy Dugan: [brightly] Well, I could certainly use the money. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jimmy Dugan: Uh, Lord, hallowed be Thy name. May our feet be swift; may our bats be mighty; may our balls... be plentiful. Lord, I'd just like to thank You for that waitress in South Bend. You know who she is - she kept calling Your name. And God, these are good girls, and they work hard. Just help them see it all the way through. Okay, that's it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Jimmy has just signed a baseball for a little boy] Little Boy: [reading] Avoid the clap, Jimmy Dugan. Jimmy Dugan: Hey, that's good advice! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jimmy Dugan: All right, everyone, let's listen up now, listen up. Something important has just happened. I was in the toilet reading my contract, and it turns out, I get a bonus when we get to the World Series. So, let's play hard, let's play smart, use your heads. Doris Murphy: [quoting him] That's that lump three feet above our ass, right, Jimmy? [laughter] Jimmy Dugan: Some more prominent than others, there, Doris. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. Ralph Macchio cameo...Crazy Gary Busey....Johnny Drama and his insanity...Ari and his one-liners...turtle and his $1200 PJ's=Great show
  11. Walter Sobchak: He lives in North Hollywood on Radford, near the In-and-Out Burger... The Dude: The In-and-Out Burger is on Camrose. Walter Sobchak: Near the In-and-Out Burger... Donny: Those are good burgers, Walter. Walter Sobchak: Shut the !@#$ up, Donny.
  12. wait we should be seeing a hot pockets reference soon....
  13. you're a hoot...
  14. I am building a house right next door to mine in about 6 months
  15. man that thread was classic...back in the wild wild west days of TSW
  16. From Justin to Kelly
  17. knock down dat wall, knock down dat wall and knock down dat fargin wall.....bombs drops....Maroni...this is fargin war....
  18. and am I on your list...
  19. i am bigger so 14 would do the trick
  20. I love to relax and watch movies...my wife tells me I am nuts for watching the same movies over and over again...here is my list of 10, in no order, of movies I could watch again and again...... Slapshot Big Lebowski Gladiator Porky's Dazed and Confused Miracle Usual Suspects Fletch Rounders and a recent one I watch every time it is on ...Eurotrip....Scotty Doesn't KNow
  21. all i know is that if Norwood/Christie slammed home the winning FG for all 4 Bills Super Bowls, I would have my Buffalo Bills dynsasty championship shirt on right now
  22. she is awful....but 14 beers might change my mind
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