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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. Runaway Lunatic More Peta nonsense Dubai This could be 85% of the people on this site mmmmThanksgiving modern style 2004 TBD Tailgate Photo T Bone Bedroom Photos Actually this may be the 85% I was talking about
  2. simple solution...get rid of the boss, and become your own...works for me
  3. look out behind you
  4. how sweet the Lemon Party gang came to join my thread
  5. she has been busy with her new job...tutor
  6. or we could be like you..get banned for being an a-hole and come back as a more unoriginal version of our previous self...me ....i like being a cowbell lemming, window licking, hot pocket addict....mmmm chicken fajita....goes well with chicken Ramen
  7. where do we go for birthday spankings?
  8. what do you consider entertainment?
  9. The Crazy Adventures of Pinhead and Potatohead?
  10. BF and Ed go to Vegas....BF tries to become a pro poker player....Ed an aspiring Magician.....follow their adventures on the Travel Channel.....that has ratings written all over it
  11. come on we can discuss the charts on Anacott Steel
  12. who can get through a whole episode of Surv...ooooh look Will and Grace is on
  13. Cindy Margolis one was great...as was the Stuck on You contest...He drinks he smokes he stinks like poo...for 3 straight days Jeff is stuck on you
  14. also I had to eat 4 of them to fill me up...
  15. the song they played on the Wonder Years whenever Kevin saw her should play when you open up to her spread on the website
  16. mashed potatoes....1250 degrees around the edges...38 degrees inside
  17. you sound like a dork...do you think beer is icky and girls have cooties
  18. Very Disturbing BF trend taking place
  19. yes I was only kidding...I heard that was what he really liked
  20. if by performing you mean err uh nevermind
  21. you doing anything this weekend? Let's party
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