I just saw WOTW and realized why I never watch Sci-fi movies.....SPOILER ALERT
the movie was terrible...what in the hell did the aliens want? If you were an alien, wouldn't you go directly to the Playboy mansion??? How did they die? Did they all get HIV from some person they ate? How did crazy Tim Robbins house not get blown up, when they were blowing up everything in sight? How did 5 secretaries and some army dude pull Tom Cruise out of the alien? Did anyone else want to punch Robbie in the face? How ridiculous was the stealing of the van scene? Also how did they get a perfect route out of NYC, when 100,000 cars were broken down??? How was it that all of the east coast was devastated, yet Tom Cruises ex and her family look as if they just had crumpets and tea....I give it a 3/10....