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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. I just saw WOTW and realized why I never watch Sci-fi movies.....SPOILER ALERT the movie was terrible...what in the hell did the aliens want? If you were an alien, wouldn't you go directly to the Playboy mansion??? How did they die? Did they all get HIV from some person they ate? How did crazy Tim Robbins house not get blown up, when they were blowing up everything in sight? How did 5 secretaries and some army dude pull Tom Cruise out of the alien? Did anyone else want to punch Robbie in the face? How ridiculous was the stealing of the van scene? Also how did they get a perfect route out of NYC, when 100,000 cars were broken down??? How was it that all of the east coast was devastated, yet Tom Cruises ex and her family look as if they just had crumpets and tea....I give it a 3/10....
  2. congrats and many thanks...you are a good man...
  3. throw a bee's nest in his tent and...guaranteed good times
  4. is there going to be enough room for the TBD boxing ring?
  5. The power of the Cowbell
  6. yes b/c it annoys him, and that makes me laugh
  7. goat herder...pretty clever...btw I think you may have broken a record for saying !@#$ the most in one day...man you are easy to rattle...not like the rest of your lemon party gang
  8. b/c I drink a lot of diet pepsi
  9. why do people get so excited over an internet message board
  10. hey stupid...you have a pickle juice avatar
  11. wow, you can dish it out but cannot take it....funny how you can bash BF all day, and show up in any thread that Tracy Lee does with your holier than thou attitude, but someone does it to you and you whine......
  12. because I stated a fact that you were as funny as a ladder?
  13. add this to your rest in Italy...Fettucine PB+J.....noodles with hot Peanut butter and jelly over the top...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  14. if VA were 4x as funny as is he is now...would he still not be funny at all
  15. if I were really rich and bought Buffalo, renamed it tater, would the Bills change their name too
  16. does VA have a step ladder in the bathroom to get up on the toilet and drop a deuce
  17. SHould VA call or PM Tracy Lee for a date, since it is obvious he digs her
  18. great stuff.. I love Drunken Santa.. I think i saw him at a Sabres game w/o the Santa Suit...his Sabres Jersey said Drunk N Santa
  19. Wow Jennifer Tilly and her annoying voice won the Ladies WSOP...Mr Cotter aka Gabe Kaplan finished 2nd in an event, and Johnny Chan the Master won his 10th bracelet in a limit Hold em tourney..... WSOP I was thinking of something here....imagine if PGA Golfers or Pro Tennis players had to buck up between $2-$10k for each tourney they entered....that would be funny....
  20. that game is going to be great
  21. I heard that Putin's arm was going into a tuck, so the ring is his...no fumble...tuck rule is once again in effect
  22. wow you two must be a riot at parties...someone contact SPergon Wynn's agent...we need him in here stat
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