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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. I vote you go back on vacation...
  2. you have got to be kidding me
  3. a guy in my office found about $750 in comm checks that he never received on here....worth a look..... NYS Unclaimed Funds
  4. rushing yards and TD's are pretty much worth double for a QB...so w/o a doubt Culpepper...Dauntes 30 passing 8 rushing= reg QB's 46 passing TD's
  5. he was fat before swingers too...check out Rudy
  6. I cannot believe there is no mention of the Aflac commercials
  7. words cannot express how much of an a-hole that guy is
  8. pass...pass..pass...pass...pass..pass...pass...pass..pass..etc
  9. lol
  10. I am sure they were swaeting her winning this...I agree on earning her way in...a few sponsors exemptions are ok, but it will get ridiculous, if every lower level tourney gets her to come for ratings....
  11. she has plenty of cowbell
  12. I like the Don Vito Translator on the bottom of the screen when he talks
  13. I am all for stupid humor...but his show is painful to watch
  14. at a stag I went to last year...one of the groomsmen in the wedding was told he had to leave when the strippers arrived...when they arrived he tried to leave, but we hand cuffed him to some 6'5" 325 guy that was there, so he could not leave...told the strippers he had never seen a naked girl before....hilarity ensued...good times had by all...excpet him when he went home smelling of stripper and had whipped cream in his hair....
  15. your buddy is an idiot...stop being friends with him
  16. If I am going to properly stalk Vabills...what type of equipment should I get to stake him out?
  17. there must be way to get either Curt Warner or Jim Zorn out of Seattle if we trade Thurman
  18. I also heard Dan Fouts will be going to the 49ers
  19. well said...all the schmoes bashing hockey are probably all ankle skaters....what other sport do you need to learn a whole new mode of transportation, before you can even play...there are 2 types of people in the world...those that can skate and play hockey and those that wish their parents would have taught them to skate so they could play hockey
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