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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. arthritis acting up coach?
  2. Jeffrey Ross...comes out in a fur...."made out of fresh puppy"
  3. agreed...everyone knows that they release tix this week and next
  4. Bad QB seasons 1. Gary Marangi, 1976 Buffalo Bills (2-12) Actual stats: 11 G, 82-for-232, 35.3%, 998 yards, 7 TD, 16 INT 2004 projection: 13 G, 135-for-335, 40.3%, 1,513 yards, 10 TD, 15 INT But this guy was worse. Marangi managed to lead the Bills to eight straight losses despite the presence of NFL rushing champion Simpson. The 1976 Bills were 2-4 through six games even though veteran Joe Ferguson was having a strong season (9 TDs, only 1 INT). When Ferguson was lost for the year with an injury in Week 7, third-year backup Marangi took over and put on the worst passing performance in NFL history -- so bad that this ranks as the worst quarterback season ever, even though Marangi had positive value when he ran with the ball (230 yards on 39 carries with two TDs). Marangi managed a handful of touchdowns because Simpson's legs kept putting the Bills into good field position, but check out that completion percentage. Marangi is the only quarterback in history who, even after adjusting to the friendly 2004 offensive environment, ends up with a completion percentage below 45 percent. The 1976 Bills ended up 2-12, and no game tells the story of this season like their Thanksgiving matchup with Detroit. Simpson broke his own NFL rushing record with 273 yards, but Marangi passed for just 15 yards and the Lions beat the Bills 27-14.
  5. I like that Phil won, but was actually rooting for Steve Elkington...guy is one of the greatest interviews in sports, and has had a rough go at it with injuries and sickness...good to see him back in the mix
  6. actually it was a great weekend..had a great time with many friends and family...probably something you cannot relate to....so before I go back to work...let me get your over-rated list straight...Phil Mickelson and Cal Ripken Jr...any other superstars that need to be added to your list...
  7. what a suprise...VA talking nonsense
  8. everyone does not have a TV in their office?
  9. 3 1/2 Quarter Superstars
  10. Pins are cool as hell...if you are into color you may not like them, but I think they look very nice
  11. yes they have become the Inside Edition/Hard Copy of Sports
  12. Hines Ward is grossly underpaid and does not lift wieghts and do sit ups in his driveway
  13. holy crap, I was just going to post how much this idiot is pissing me off...I have never felt this much hatred towards an athlete in my life....I hope he gets gonnorea and and e coli
  14. for once I would LOVE to see a team take a stand and refuse to deal with this idiot, under no circumstances should they renegotiate
  15. for those of you that have not seen Entourage on HBO..check it out..the show is great...
  16. always on CBC..hockey night in Canada...Sat night DH's
  17. 6 flusher...sounds like he had a date with Taco Cantina
  18. HL holding a fried bologna sandwich
  19. I will show you the secret spot...24 oz Labatt Blue cans....
  20. I am in section 316..if you are nice, I will let you buy me a beer....
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