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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. i guess that is funny in your world...kudos on a real zinger
  2. no, i could have quoted any of your drivel..just picked that one as it was the latest
  3. nice first 3...reached a little on the next two..if you need to start 2 RB you may be screwed
  4. buy a $150k house in buffalo and fly into Dulles each day...prob cheaper gas wise and less of a commute
  5. and spiked lemonade was a crusader.... I feel a new id coming.... 6,000 of the same posts in 6 months
  6. you should really check yourself into a mental institution
  7. after further review...you must tailgate at the HSBC arena before the Sabres game to make this acceptable....
  8. hmmm....tough one...let me go to the review board on this one
  9. that is an AKC trademark...bring more attention to him repeating the same thing 45x in the sama thread
  10. is it possible to PM aspirin?
  11. Paul Crew did during the game against the guards...though some were poorly thrown in his attempt to save his hide from the warden
  12. If Willis has a great season this year..TD should be pro-active and redo the deal in the offseason
  13. honestly...the amount of nonsense you spew on here..I would not be the least suprised if you were one of those trained monkeys with a typewriter, smoking a cigarette and drinking coffee
  14. take a look around you when you get there...if you see some 6'2" crosseyed, cementhead, with a blood stained, ripped, Jim Kelly Jersey on...pointing at opposing teams fans, then pointing at his biceps, chew spit running off his chin, with 4 beers lined up in front of him....then i would go to the bathroom and take of the Johnny "Lam" Jones Jersey
  15. Tom Brady has QB's 3 Super Bowl winning teams in 4 years...I do not care if thows the ball 10 yards behind the line of scrimmage and lets hiw WR run for the yards....AKC, please stop as I have no aspirin here at my office
  16. more often than not, in the NFL, players that hold out are due for a raise...in the last year or two of their contract...TO is an idiot, asking for a slight raise, after just receiveing a large bonus, with 6 years left on a deal...I wish just once someone would just let him rot
  17. I am going to use the money I get from Bill Gates to pay for my gas...I sent a lot of thos emails out for beta testing so I expect some HUGE checks to be coming soon
  18. Look Out ESPN...we have our new Dream Job contestant
  19. is it bad that whenever AKC gets involved in a thread, it makes my head hurt and want to jump out a window
  20. he was not there...
  21. whoaaaa...this is a family board
  22. you really have a problem with people stalking you...must be the nonsense you spew
  23. if bylately you mean 31 years... i agree
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