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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. I will be throwing snowballs at anyone dressed in Orange
  2. he could pitch savings on long distance and internet to the players and fans after the game
  3. Manning gets hit once a month
  4. I wanted a bic pen..not the knockoff brand pic..ticket already traded for a snack size bag of fritos and a Grape Fanta
  5. I hasek Plays for the czechs...we have no shot
  6. Bills Suck...Drop the Puck...Lets Go Sabres
  7. how much are they?
  8. where do you come up with these....man I am rolling over here
  9. Bib..you are funny...in a non funny kind of way
  10. thinking about upgrading to club seats in the near future..as I have quickly become soft, sad, and in need of some advice...any thoughts, including cost, pluses and minuses...Thanks...
  11. we do...Eggs Benedict..do you have access to a kitchen?
  12. oh sorry, I thought you were coming to NE too...where are your tix again? I am in sec 316
  13. which game?
  14. just like in Mystery Alaska..when the Bills are introduced..everyone bring a news paper...put it in front of your face like you are reading it...no noise, nothing
  15. yes, what he said...
  16. Jim Mora Sr...strictly for the sound bytes
  17. best thread ever...
  18. Hey Ladies Age..3 months...looking for a girl with cool toys...and to share some formula with on cold winter nights...
  19. nice post...look above yours..
  20. why not 3 runs with Willis, and if it does not work, kick the FG and go up 23...this team tries to get too cute
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