tons of Wendell Clark, Darryl Sittler, Borje Salming, Mike Palmateer jersey wearing mullet heads..kicking over the 7 beers in front of them...get ooot of my way....
a bunch of us were able to skate at the aud for a couple of hours after that my knowledge we were one of, if not the last group to skate on the aud ice..I have to find some pics..I have one of me on the Sabres Center Ice emblem
one day I would love for the Sabres PA guy to announce, mid game, Gordie, your lights are on..I think half of the mullet Leaf fans would get up to check
In college..when one of our buddies would go to the can, we would tell the waitress it was his birthday..he would come back to Birthday singing..hilarity ensued..