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Everything posted by taterhill

  1. George Costanza Religion 3 Miller-less team 2...end of 2
  2. this just in to the taterhill SPortsdesk Slovakia 5 Russia 3..
  3. Modano..takes a penalty
  4. that was a big save..should be 4-2..USA has their head up their VaBills
  5. 3-2 lavtvia..John Graham is Horrible...FWIW..that was a great shot..but come on John..make a big save
  6. 2-2..another dirty commie..F'n Graham
  7. Ugly F Derian Hatcher..2 minutes
  8. Miller would not have pushed a rebound right to the commie..which graham did..allowing said commie to put biscuit in basket...
  9. 2-1 after 1 period..VERY fast game..
  10. 2-1..some commie
  11. 2-0 Conroy
  12. 1-0!!!! RaCha Gionta
  13. FWIW..Russia v Slovakia is a great game
  14. sort of like NFL teams blaming refs for losing Super Bowls..fat people blaming McDonalds for being fat...smokers blaming big tobacco for giving them cancer...lazy people blaming their bosses for keeping them down...idiot parents blaming teachers for their stupid kids...it is ALWAYS someone elses fault
  15. czech jerseys look like they picked them up in the pro shop before the ame..wtf..plain white socks...nevermond..stripe is in the front
  16. thnks for the reminder...
  17. i forgot TV's come with one channel these days...
  18. mine is going off right now..you "guys" watch figure skating....
  19. you struck out vs the dude from Big Tree
  20. Fat Janet caused this nonsense censorship uproar...F her
  22. tree stump is now insulted
  23. used to play all of the time...used to play $100NL and 200NL ..just do not have the time now..sat down at a $600PL table once..3rd hand was dealt KK...raised a little, was raised pot..called..flop comes K8J rainbow...ended up all in for $750 of my own..pot was about $1900...other guy had AA..good times... for those that cannot follow..I flopped a set vs his AA and won..thanks and carry on
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