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Everything posted by fast*eddie

  1. I have to laugh when the players come off the field after a score and head butt each other . Every once in a while a player on the sidelines doesn't have a helmet on . OOPS ! And then they worry about concussions !
  2. It looks like the picked up flag was a rallying point !
  3. Chicago is Obama's home town . I think he told the Ref to pick up the flag !
  4. Well , apparently the 10 point inspection was "optional" but they didn't tell my wife that . I received a notice from Dunn Tire management in Buffalo . My wife called the number and he said that the inspection was optional and apologized for the misunderstanding and said he would have tickets sent out to us . Pretty good Customer Service from a company ! The Aug 18 date is the only date possible that we could go as a handicapped cousin from Buffalo was looking forward to attending the practice . It all worked out .
  5. My wife and I drove 25 miles to Henrietta to get some Night Practice tickets . We waited in the car for a half hour and then my wife went in to get tickets . They told her that in order to get tickets she had to sign up to get a 10 point inspection on her car and it would take about an hour . We left . Bye-bye Dunn Tire . You won't see my business again !
  6. Hangover II was on FX .......
  7. It's no different than someone coming in late at work all the time. It's not fair to the others . They might start feeling why should they be on time if others are always late . These guys make enough money where a fine wouldn't even be a slap on the wrist .........
  8. So far EJ sucks ! Change QB's 2nd half ............
  9. The Bills have been working real hard to get a good spot in line for a 1st Round Draft Pick !
  10. EG gives himself up , gets wit with a helmet ...... no call . Hmmmmmmmm !
  11. Makes me think of the old days when I saw a banner that read ......"Go Bills and take the Sabres with you" !
  12. Makes me think of the "old days" when I saw a banner that read ---- "Go Bills and take the Sabres with you" !
  13. The Bills make me wanna pout .........
  14. They need to bring back that Sticky Stuff for the Bills receivers !
  15. They blew another possible TD with the last pass .
  16. With all the QB injuries , you don't want him running .....
  17. Looked like Mario was reaching for anything he could get his hands on while being held . Bills would have had the ball .....
  18. We could use a couple of interceptions today !
  19. If the Bills can't run the ball and have to pass , the Ravens will tee off on Manuel just like the jets did .
  20. Manuel didn't look so good tonight . He needs a lot of work . Tuel threw a few nice fairly deep passes . Seemed like they gave out too many tickets as there were a lot of people standing . They would get up on the stairs and block the view of the scrimmage . They do a real nice job with the bus shuttle . Beautiful night for a practice !
  21. A break from the bickering ........... NBC’s Jay Leno: “In the NFL, 31 players have been arrested just since the Super Bowl. “In fact, a lot of teams are switch­ing to the no-huddle offense because players aren’t allowed to associate with known felons.”
  22. I thought Drinking The Kool Aide came from the Jim Jones bit where they all drank it and died .
  23. With the possible rules changes , the NFL will almost be playing Flag Football . So wouldn't an 8 man practice squad fill the bill !
  24. No doubt the Bills will pick 4 or 5 castoff scrubs instead of a couple quality players .
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