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Everything posted by dorquemada

  1. maybe that's what the NFL is trying to encourage to make up for the dwindling audience. Maybe the Bills should all put on steel gauntlets and end every single play with a blow to the helmet
  2. furthermore, we don't really know the extent of White's injury yet. just because a guy gets up off the mat doesn't mean that there isnt long term damage. Gronk should pay, either through league discipline, or if the bills have one ounce of pride, make sure one of the Pat's critical players get similar treatment.
  3. 5 years ago the NFL didnt care about turning young men into brain damaged husks. It doesn't seem that they do now either.
  4. The NFL can't have it both ways. Either they are concerned with brain injuries or they aren't. If the NFL isn't going to address the issue, it falls on outside entities to do so. That could be the NFLPA, it could be the DA
  5. sue and get a jury trial. gronk will be returning cans for a living
  6. really? i get really mad at people i work with too, but i've never done that. i'd be fired forever if i did
  7. they've fallen all over themselves trying to stop spearing and other leading with the helmet type tackles, this seems stupidly obvious. How about this, no steel allowed in anything that can come in contact with an opposing player? And if you use your steel augmented arm in an assaultive manor, and there's no doubt about your intent, then you're done. Out of the league and offered up as a sacrificial lamb to law enforcement. one big jackass like gronk gets banned from the league it'll never happen again
  8. Brass knuckles are considered a deadly weapon and illegal in most places. A steel gauntlet isn't much different, especially given who is wielding it
  9. so with 400 million posts I dont expect you to heed this advice, but maybe quit while you're ahead
  10. I agree that 'pro sports' isn't ready to cross that line, but it isn't really up to them. An enterprising DA can make this decision and pursue a case with or without the cooperation of the NFL or the Buffalo Bills.
  11. It is an interesting point. Consider this too, the DA in Erie County doesn't need the NFL's permission to file a charge.
  12. I wonder how it would go if a bunch of us called into his show and had the hot take that the Bills should head hunt Brady next game? Of course, you'll have to tell the screener you're going to say something else
  13. agreed. nobody should say it outloud, but clearly someone from the Pats should be put into concussion protocol next game. preston brown is a disgrace.
  14. ...then there is the racial angle. big white dude curbstomps much smaller african american man laying defenseless on the ground, face down, flagrantly violating the rules, and getting off scott free
  15. 1. It wont happen to Gronk unless the upper east side types that goodell keeps company with are offended 2. Let's say White's career is over. He takes Gronk and the NFL to court, it's an open and shut case. Gronk wont get jail time or anything but White will be a very wealthy man. There's not a jury outside of Boston that wouldnt rule in his favor.
  16. if Hughes did the same to Brady, with a steel gauntlet, it would absolutely be considered criminal assault
  17. sadly, this is what I expect as well. the NFL is morphing into the World Wrestling Federation slowly but surely, what with all the off field antics, crazy story lines, villains and heros, etc
  18. someone else can fill that role in the eye for an eye routine, and I dont mean the backup TE
  19. it really is the equivalent of the muscle bound bully on the beach kicking sand in the face of the skinny helpless kid, like the comic, except it ends after the 3rd panel
  20. It was on Fox & friends this AM, or whichever news I had on in the background. Either fox or CBS. Given that the likely outcome of this is that Gronk gets away with it, why on earth wouldnt the bills go after Brady next game? Sad thing is, I dont think the Bills even have a player that could hurt Gronk, they're a team of tissue paper and sour cream. On the other hand, Brady is still one good knee shot from having his career ended. At this point who cares, the Bills suck, the pats are cheating scumbags, and the rest of the league/fans would thank whatever sacrificial player on the Bills did it.
  21. came here to post this, beaten like the Bills this sunday
  22. I'll be the voice in the wilderness here and say mccarron. He won't be super expensive, and I think he has a lot of untapped skill. He also has fire in the belly, which we havent seen in a Bills QB in a loooooong time
  23. something about buckling pants and climaxing? it's a little early for all this
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