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Everything posted by dorquemada

  1. yeah whatever they were planning on throwing at Cousins, double it for Tolbert. dont let him leave the building!
  2. i was 10 when this came out. i seem to remember it getting played all the time on channel 29, like all the damn time. it was so confusing at the time because the sky was falling, chevy foundry closing, bethlehem steel going under, and just so much bad news, and here's a bunch of burnout/hippies gyrating awkwardly on tv about buffalo. oy vey
  3. Big game this sunday! let's cheer our team to the win f it lets go ski
  4. Dolphins versus Bills Factory of sadness, south it used to be big
  5. The Mighty Dolphins The Pride of South Florida Richard Simmons Lives
  6. To God's Waiting Room The elderly await there Jay Cutler as well
  7. It's Miami Week wait, who can I make fun of? bunch of nobodies Time for Miami sexy bikini women oh and a game too
  8. You just brought Putin into a discussion on a Buffalo Bills message board. I sure hope Correct The Record is filling up your Panera card for all your hard work. You clearly have a huffington post level understanding of the traditional agreements between telcos and the federal government, and seem to believe that all money earned by any entity belongs to the government, so I doubt we have enough common ground to talk this through. Say hi to your overlords at facebook!
  9. oddly enough the low info kids that are all caremad about net neutrality are the same ones claiming that tax abatements are the same thing as theft. it's almost like they think that any money earned by any entity is by default the Government's and that we should all grovel at the feet of uncle sam and be thankful when he lets us keep a little more of our own money. Net Neutrality is a pretty amazing thing too in that the NN legislation in practice ends up being a massive subsidy from the carriers to Google and Facebook, but because they (G&FB) control so much of the narrative, they've managed to convince people that we're discussing something else entirely. explain again how they stole billions? bonus points if you can explain it without saying "but taxes" because lots of big corporations do everything they can to minimize their tax exposure. your heroic google and facebook barely pay anything.
  10. if you dont think the carriers have invested MASSIVELY in infrastructure in the US, I dont know what to tell you because you're low information on the topic. Every year for the last 10+ years the number 1&2 companies in fundamental infrastructure investment are AT&T and Verizon. A lot of the money ended up being invested in Cellular data networks, because that's where the market went. You're whining about not enough DSL, the world moved on
  11. ok i'll bite. how did they "steal" billions of dollars from the public? I hope you're not referring to tax incentives to roll out broadband, because that's fantastically stupid. when you take deductions on your taxes, are you 'stealing' from the Federal government?
  12. I'm not sure this is as big a windfall as you think. I was expecting a MUCH bigger deal for streaming rights. It's a tiny fraction of the sunday ticket package, with a much larger addressable audience.
  13. like I said before, get the DA to press charges, get it in front of a jury (in WNY, where this happened) and i expect it might not be real difficult to get a conviction
  14. even the marginal personalities at deadspin are calling him out on this. your island is getting pretty thinly populated. before long it'll just be you and gronk
  15. i assume you're joking, but did anyone ever find out what he actually said?
  16. Nah, you moved the goalposts and got called out like the gronk fanboy you are. Well done old chap
  17. can you imagine darryl talley whining like a baby and lobbying the refs in this situation if he were in Preston Brown's shoes at the moment? No, me neither
  18. "Perspective" oh ok let me try it White isn't a starving war orphan in the South Sudan, therefore this isn't a big deal. am i doing this right?
  19. i've never cheered for a player to be injured, and I've been a fan for 40+ years, but i really want to see something horrible happen to gronk. I dont think this bills team as constituted today is willing or able to defend a teammate, gronk has basically cucked them all, but maybe karma will express itself through another, better team
  20. clearly he still needs to use it, or next time he arm bars some defenseless player on the ground, he might re-injure his forearm. The more I think about this, the more i just want to see it all burn. any league that protects brady like it does, and lets a guy like Gronk run wild deserves to collapse under the weight of it's own hubris
  21. i mean if the NFL is trying to become AMERICAN GLADIATORS II or something dumb like that, maybe make Gronk play his next game with no helmet
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