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Everything posted by dorquemada

  1. Agreed, it was dumb as hell to let those guys go. Neither were ever going to be perennial all pros, but i figure they would both be starters over the dumpster fire OL we have today
  2. less about the commentary than delivery
  3. I feel like I'm sitting next to some guy named jimmy the knucklehead at a bar in south buffalo talking about the bills
  4. yeah i mean for a guy that's supposed to be a football hero or whatever he sure is an ugly mug
  5. that's the eternal struggle. I dont much like going to the bar to watch a game for the same reasons, plus this place is full of knucklehead giants fans. Let's see how it plays out, but so far the fire stick + kodi + sportsdevil is yielding some interesting results!
  6. hey capital region buddy. 'value' is subjective, but traditionally we usually get 6-7 games a year on broadcast tv. because the giants and jets both suck now we might get another game or two. in any case, i'm looking for alternatives since getting DTV just for the ST is a ripoff.
  7. Sure thing. I did a *lot* of research, and tried a couple others. PIA had these advantages (which have been copied by most of the others in the years since) They don't keep logs Fail Close functionality tight integration with the IP stack in windows cross-platform functionality with a single login huge selection of VPN collectors, probably 30 countries and that many choices in the US tested speeds only a couple percent slower than an open connection Looking now, they're probably a little more expensive than some other providers, but i've been using them for years with zero trouble, and it's still pretty cheap (like $67 a year I think?). Highly recommended in any case, and works great with the firestick
  8. I'll probably do the student thing then, but for kicks I went out last night and bought the amazon fire stick, put PIA VPN on it, Kodi, and SportsDevil. Including the 10 minute drive to BJs and back, it was all in about an hour of time and $40.
  9. it just sent me to the DTV front page, I cant seem to get at that URL. The college student package, what's the story there? My oldest is at UB, i'd feel largely justified in having her get the package then using it since she'll be at the home games anyways.
  10. So i cancelled my DTV sub when I changed jobs (was at ATT, got free DTV & ST) but was wondering if anyone has reactivated their subscription just for the ST? I don't mind paying for it, i still have the dish on my roof, i'd just need a box i guess? Does anyone know if I can do that? I dont want the rest of the package, but as long as I can get the ST, and cancel DTV at the end of the season, i'm not terribly price sensitive. The other solution using the official NFL stream over a european VPN is an interesting possibility. I use PIA on my pc, and could probably cobble together a linux box to connect to my tv, VPN to europe, and sign up for the NFL stream. Failing that, i'm looking now at the kodi streaming solution. If the NFL isn't going to take my money that I am willingly offering to them, i may have to find a plan B.
  11. cats are very definitely the Conrad Doblers of the animal world. source: i have owned many cats
  12. old age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time
  13. sometimes words don't mean the thing that people think they mean
  14. maybe he can break gronk's arm
  15. yup he's on the run every single play and has to make something from the broken play offense. riding the pine for a year, working on his mechanics, and hopefully the Bills improve their passblocking a bit based on???
  16. ty. there used to be a Bills group on usenet back then (alt.sport.football.bills?) it was a long time ago but we used to post picks every week. it was kind of a thing lol
  17. no i was referring to the guy i built the spss model with.
  18. one of the worst things that football analysts and fans do is misunderstand the difference between correlation and causation. If you've taken any college level statistics, it's not hard to see how statistics can be manipulated to make any case you want, without any rigor of having to prove causation. This is a good example of that. Are there any other factors that might have played into the coach wanting to run more? Weather? Player skillsets? coaching comfort level and preference? running the clock out? this guy's analysis looks at what, 2 maybe 3 variables which isn't anywhere near enough. when i was taking grad level stats in the early 90s, one of the other guys and I built a football predicting algorithm in SPSS. We kept fiddling with it and applying various weights to the statistics to see how it affected the accuracy of the predictive model. We learned a few things: 1. Football games are hard to predict accurately. 2. Defensive statistics carry about 10% more predictive value than offensive statistics 3. Except for a few notable exceptions, turnover gradient (+/-) is probably the single biggest indicator of success. That was in the early 90s, the game has changed some I realize 4. After fiddling with it for 2 seasons, and plugging some historical data into the model we got it to about 68% ATS. This was when the stats came out of the world almanac because the web didn't/barely existed then I may try to resurrect my model. My wife just connected with that guy's wife on facebook, we havent been in touch in 20 years so if I can find time i'll do it. The larger point is, football is close to immune to real analysis so let's not get overwrought because one guy nobody ever heard of is caremad about allen
  19. each AFCE team has a skilled but flawed QB, at least once Brady retires!
  20. this was my biggest concern too, he's going to get killed. if you read the interview with him in ESPN mag, i came away feeling like he's a really smart young man with a bright future in or out of football, and if he gets his bell rung once or twice more he's going to walk away
  21. love his tackling style too, doesn't appear to avoid hits!
  22. solid thinking, though i'm not sure i'd give up on this season quite yet. AJM might well be an upgrade over Tryhard, and if that's the case, maybe we squeak to 9 or 10 wins? let's wait and see, if nothing else this regime has earned the benefit of the doubt
  23. Mine will watch with me and my son, though she'll say something like "so who are the Bills going to ruin this year".
  24. or keep trading down until we have all the picks in teh 6th and 7th round. I mean all 64 of them, and draft every punter in D1
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