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Everything posted by dorquemada

  1. how embarrassing would it be when you got your ass kicked by a guy in tights and elf boots? pretty embarrassing I'd say
  2. Yeah I don't get the hype either. I mean he's an adequate QB who has seen success on a team with a generationally great D. Dont get me wrong, he has fine taste in women, but he's not worth 100 trillion dollars
  3. i want to go to an event as an observer. what sort of formal education do i need for that?
  4. Can you imagine if this happens in the Super Bowl, especially if it's a bad call or non call, and it benefits the pats?
  5. Yeah and so was Don Shula when the Bills were getting jobbed over and over again in the 70s and 80s. The point is that the technology now exists to allow for rapid review of each play, or minimally each play where everyone in the stands know somebody get screwed, flag or no flag. Like I said above, every halfwit watching on their TV at home can see clearly lots of instances in every single game where refs either throw a flag when they shouldn't, or don't when they should.
  6. They're considering making PI calls reviewable: http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/25818681/nfl-again-discuss-reviewing-pass-interference-calls I work for a company that's basically run by attorneys. They have no idea what we do or sell, but what they do know is liability, and if they decide that there needs to be a change in the business to mitigate potential liability, it happens fast. This is no different. The last thing the NFL wants is a trial where through discovery all the internal communications regarding the bad call become public, ESPECIALLY if there's an internal email from someone important admitting it was a terrible, game outcome effecting call. Chances are that this case doesn't go anywhere, but you never know, especially if it's a jury trial, which the NFL would be insane to agree to, but might not be given a choice if the judge is a closet saints fan. stranger things have happened. PI should be reviewable. In fact, all calls and all plays should be reviewable, and it's on the NFL to figure out how to do that without making a mess of the game. You all know that with 99%+ of plays, the first post-play replay on TV you can see if the penalty (or non-call) was legit, there's no reason to have to take more than 20 seconds with crews dedicated to the task.
  7. Criminally underappreciated post
  8. This. Calling social justice groups a charity is really stretching the definition of that word. I'm sure there are some out there actually doing meaningful work for the downtrodden, but the vast vast majority of them are thinly veiled political fronts, and as you say, basically the foot soldiers of the 'resistance'. Their political enablers will continue to enable them until they become a liability then down the memory hole they'll go. Remember Code Pink? As far as the NFL goes, they're obviously just smart enough to have survived the national anthem controversy, but still don't seem to have absorbed the lesson of Get Woke Go Broke. Enough of that though, i look forward to another awful halftime show. It'll be the only thing everyone in the room agrees on!
  9. oh ok thanks i'll call for an additional brinks truck
  10. how close up did you see him? this is important for our salary negotiation
  11. I'd take him in a heartbeat. He's the only guy on that team with any life in them. i bet he'd come here with a giant chip on his should to the rest of the league, and if he could buy into the process, be a dominant back for a long time. He's in a terrible situation in Jax and clearly wants out, i think that was reflected in his attitude the second half of this year
  12. So? I mean in the hypothetical where Alabama (or Clemson!) plays the Bills, or Arizona, whatever, i don't believe anyone has said it would count for anything. That's pretty much exactly the point in fact. Would a highly motivated and well coached college team be able to stay within 28 points of the worst NFL team, who have zero to prove?
  13. No? They were the consensus number 2 all year. There's a few national media types who insisted all along that they were the equal or better to Alabama. I'm a huge bama fan, as is my wife, and we've been saying to each other since august that the only team we were worried about this year was Clemson. That was a shared sentiment among most Alabama fans who weren't pure homers it might be time to take a break, friend
  14. It's too close to MLK day. Believe me, i'd love more days off for whatever reason, but with most private sector employers not even recognizing MLK day, it's pretty doubtful that they would take on another unfunded liability from the feds. having said that, i am super thankful that i've mostly worked from home the last 15 years. it's a lot easier to hide a hangover when you dont have to physically show up somewhere
  15. I miss empire sports or whatever that WNY focused network was
  16. life isn't going to be long for him if he can't straiten out. it's tragic, and I can't help but wonder if he had gotten some mental health help earlier in his life if this all couldnt have been avoided
  17. the flipside of this is that opposing defenses now have to commit a spy to containing him. Remember when the NFL finally figured out to do that with Flutie? sadly, he didnt have the arm or height to make them pay, but Allen certainly does.
  18. My dark horse candidate is Houston. They might not have the balance but they have star players in important positions, guys who can turn a game around on their own.
  19. No, but would you bet $5000 on Rams vs Chiefs? edit; beaten like a red headed step child
  20. The difference between now perhaps and times past is the use of the pass to open up the run versus the run to open up the pass. I actually liked how Ford ran yesterday, i hope he sticks around and gets developed. Does anyone know if he can catch out of the backfield?
  21. It does seem like we're in a different mood than a month or so ago when Mahomes was throwing for 5000 yards a game and winning every week. Watching Brady miss on his last few throws yesterday was a reminder that D is more important later in the year than earlier. Also, did anyone notice Brady fell on the 2nd to last play, trying to avoid getting hit?
  22. Poor St Doug, every relationship he gets into is toxic! why does this keep happening to him???
  23. Henry was inhuman on that run. Ramsey knew better, he'd just have been made a fool if he got within Henry's stiff arm radius
  24. Agreed. The part i'm happiest with is that Allen is already making big time plays, and while he's still making mistakes, for the most part they havent been terminal, and like you say he absolutely has the highest upside of any of them. I think Mayfield is probably the best now, but these two are going to be fighting it out for years, hopefully
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