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Everything posted by dorquemada

  1. If the Bills only had some kind of recent experience of keeping a training camp wonder while letting go of someone who had at least some proven track record
  2. Cutting Yeldon would be pants on head stupid. I don't know why there are so many here that seem to be actively cheering for it?
  3. Agreed, I think Houston is a team to watch this year. Watson is only going to get better.
  4. Did you ever watch someone else get in a car accident? I mean not where someone got hurt, but just a fender bender where you just knew it was going to be like $5000 of damage?
  5. Wallace is the best story on the Bills for me. As an Alabama fan, i've been pulling for him, but i think strait up he's earned his spot and plays with the sort of intensity that's going to make a difference. Bonus that he'll never have to cover Gronk again!
  6. It's weird to finally be in the position, after 20 years, to look at "i've heard of him" type free agents and to be able to say nah
  7. I'd not call him a game manager, yet. Having said that, his performance clearly fell off the last few games & playoffs last year. It reminds me of Kelly's last year or two where he just didn't have the arm strength to force the ball like he had earlier in his career. The savvy veteran QB has a lot of tricks to get the job done beyond arm strength, but once that goes, the writing is on the wall. When the Pats lose a game because TB throws a couple bad interceptions, I'll start to feel more confident that the end is upon him.
  8. Right, an injury, the pats sucking, or even just waking up one monday morning and saying the hell with this, anything could be the end at this point but at least there might maybe be light at the end of the tunnel and for once for us Bills fans maybe it isn't a freight train
  9. https://www.insidehook.com/daily_brief/sports/tom-brady-patriots-contract-extension-new-england-nfl We should be so fortunate. The timeframe sort of fits with the idea he's either in his last or second to last year anyways, but this will still be a red letter day
  10. And it seems like when this happens, when the rook finally shows up, he either gets injured early on, or is behind on the playbook, and never catches up until their 2nd year. I mean, it's good luck for us vs. the Jets, but sucks for them
  11. Will there be anything else Senator McCarthy? edit: I just realized, you probably have no idea who Senator McCarthy is, do you? Of course you don't. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_McCarthy
  12. You're a perfect example of everything wrong with political discourse today. Joe McCarthy would be proud of you. I sure hope the worm never turns on you because there's nothing sadder than a revolutionary who lives long enough to see all his ideals betrayed by the wheels he helped set in motion. Also, you act like Nike is acting out of some sense of moral urgency, and not simply blowing with the wind and trying to be a cool kid. So what's it like to worship a big multinational corporation that practically enslaves all sorts of brown people in Southeast Asia? It's curious that your moral indignence doesn't extend to them. It's almost as if you have zero moral fiber and have come to your beliefs by way of watching too many commercials.
  13. Or, just ignore people shrieking racism every time they don't like someone or something
  14. Oh, yeah, you're hilarious. I just hope you never get accused of racism because your shoe is untied or you bought the same brand car that a racist once drove. The left have made a sport of ruining peoples lives with the mere accusation of racism. McCarthyism never really went away.
  15. So if some douchebag white supremacist waves a current American flag, we can't use that any more either? Where the hell does this madness end?
  16. Is your day job a reporter for CNN? A bunch of stoner teenaged hackers decided one night to make a totally innocuous hand symbol 'toxic' by spreading a meme that it's a 'white supremacy symbol'. Guess what? it worked because we're so used to declaring people Guilty Due To The Severity Of The Charge regarding racism that nobody (especially the reporters, the ones who insisted that the 2nd generation immigrant from Mexico who happened to be at Trump's press conference was a 'white supremacist' because she made the OK hand symbol) bothered to see if any of this was true because they had more fun shrieking RACISM at 120 decibels.
  17. Or, alternatively, it's BS. When everything is a symbol of racism, nothing is a symbol of racism. It's exhausting having a peanut gallery of professional victims that spend all of their emotional energy screeching RACISM at every little thing. Classic attention seeking behavior that shouldn't be encouraged.
  18. Except that nobody ever heard of the Betsy Ross flag being used for white supremacists before today. Sort of like how the "OK" hand symbol morphed overnight into a white supremacy symbol, which, by the way, was a 4chan prank
  19. Or just have the courage of their convictions and say that they no longer want anyone white to wear their shoes or products because white people did bad things hundreds of years ago I'm done with Nike. When your virtue signally is impossible to understand beyond "We don't like America, or Americans", maybe you've taken a wrong turn on the hard left highway
  20. Joking aside, i like the move too. He's a punishing runner who can move a pile. And not just a pile of chicken wings either.
  21. 5'11", 250? lol, can he play MLB?
  22. Buffalo Wildlings would have been better, since we are north of the wall and also poorly organized
  23. I'm going to build a shrine in my man cave, and I want one of those Da'Rick jerseys as my centerpiece. It's a monument to low achievement and out of control hype cycle.
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