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Everything posted by dorquemada

  1. I remember the beginning of 2002. For what, 8 games, the Bills had a pretty fearsome O, then all of a sudden couldn't complete a pass ever again until mid last year?
  2. A man can dream: What if we beat the Pats and are undefeated at that point? I doubt they would rank the Bills number 1 in any case, but would be wonderful anyways
  3. I'll take 17 right now. The first step to building a winning program is winning the games you should win, the next step is winning more of the tossup type games, of which I count this as one. The Jets are going to be a middle of the road team, 7-9 maybe? This week, the Bills should win against the Giants.
  4. I think we find out about both the Jets and Browns next week. I'd like to think I didn't get on their hype train but I most certainly did. Is TN that good? Maybe. I think the Jets win next week though
  5. Mosley stays in that game and we're all on suicide watch today, and Gase is some kind of brilliant strategist.
  6. So does GggGgggegGgRrRRRRegGGGGGGGGggGg get the call after they toss Gase?
  7. Wow. Who would have thought that taking Miami's leavings would result in this? Its umpossible!
  8. This really is the craziest part of an already crazy story. To be fair though, Burfict's hit on AB is one of the reasons AB's brain doesn't work right any more
  9. I think we should find a big name but underperforming DE or DT that we have to way overpay to come to Buffalo. Am I doing this right?
  10. My 2nd (work) league's draft is tonight. I was hoping this news would drag out another 24 hours so I could sneak him in, but alas, he'll be top 3 now. From a non-fantasy perspective, that's a lot of dough to tie up at RB. He's great, but that OL makes him a top back.
  11. I'd trade him to that massage parlor where Kraft got busted edit: oh god this was my 1000th post. sure covered myself in glory for this momentous event
  12. would you change that horrible AV picture please
  13. So long, Jonathan Williams, and really, to all the Jonathan Williamses out there, we hardly knew ye
  14. Yeah it's an open grift, NFL is dumb enough to fall for it. get woke, go broke
  15. Sour Grapes ssays FINE WE DIDNT WANT HIM ANYWAYS
  16. OK, i made the mistake of assuming you were going SJW, my apology. Agreed on Beth Mowins, it's a forced situation to prove a point that does indeed prove a point, just not the one they intended
  17. Lots of white knights on TBD today. Your virtue signalling is noted, pat yourself on the back. So, in one post you're all Male Feminist, then the next one you make a gay joke? Im not sure you're doing this right
  18. For what it's worth, AT&T is much more interested in ARPU (Average Revenue per unit) than they are in total subscribers. Earnings are up 1.2% this year which doesn't sound like much, but it's pretty amazing when you see how many subscribers they've bled. That's a bunch of words that mean, in effect, that threatening to leave them, especially if you're already getting a good deal on the rest of the DTV package, is a less meaningful threat to them then it used to be.
  19. Agreed. Clowney, on a more balanced team, is going to be an absolute superstar. A great DE is more of a game changer than an average T. Just the idea of Clowney, Hughes, and Oliver all getting after the QB is surely making Brady's satin underpants moist with fear
  20. OK, thanks, I've got Bezos, Zuckerberg, and the guy that runs Google waiting on me, because you see I'm so important that I can put the world on hold while this gets resolved
  21. Wait, I just got out of some high level business meetings, is it really happening now? - Detroit Dorquemada
  22. shady would be the surprise cut, if it happened. the only way I see it though is as some sort of salary cap restructuring for a big signing like Clowney? Lot of moving parts there but RB is going to kind of be interchangeable this year. I like Shady (son and I have his jersey!) but if Singletary progresses, Shady becomes at least somewhat disposable, at his salary and age
  23. *I* say that Greg Cosell "struggled" to crap out a lousy article by deadline and is getting by on reputation alone
  24. Good God, thank you. I'm so glad that OBD doesn't take into account the hysterical over reaction of the posters here
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