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Everything posted by dorquemada

  1. dont leave us in suspense?
  2. yeah so I don't know anything about this guy other than the highlight reel you posted, but one thing that jumps out at me and I absolutely love is that he does the minimum move possible to ruin the balance of the defender, then runs right through them, no cute stuff, no dancing, no losing yards a la shady. That's almost a martial arts type of skillset, and at 240lbs could be a real wrecking ball. I'd absolutely go after him. Heck, he could replace Gore and Dimarco
  3. This sort of reeks of an over the hill boxer talking about how he's gonna kick the champ's azz. I'm less angry about it than I am sad for him. Note that essentially every single aspect of his life is better than mine but at least i'm not singing Glory Days to myself unironically
  4. i'm surprised he didn't get injured slouching there on the sideline
  5. Greetings fellow capital regioner. I'll do a nice big pork butt on the smoker (starting night before with plenty of sitting on the deck drinking beer around the Chimnea just to be safe) then grill wings and a pizza on the gas grill. As far as drinking goes...for this game, Southern Tier IPA. I'll get some Perecca's bread for pulled pork sandwiches and probably some of their big stupid cupcakes. gonna be a fat one!
  6. The most charitable thing I can say about that is that article is that if i saw it on a blog i'd ignore it
  7. Yeah, they actually did a game like that back in the 80s where the announcers didn't say anything except down and distance. It was a little weird! But back then I could put Van Miller on the radio and turn the volume on the TV off. Maybe as we move towards games being streamed we can get multiple choices for audio feed. I'd like the Buffalo radio broadcast over anything on TV
  8. We watch a lot of college football (Mrs Dorquemada is from Alabama and we met in Tuscaloosa) and don't think it's as bad as last night, but maybe I'll pay a little closer attention through the bowl games. It could be simply that I really can't stand Chris Collinsworth, there, i said it
  9. Was it just me being nervous/crabby, or did it seem like through most of the first 3 quarters that between every play, or at least many of them, that the broadcast veered into a prepared piece about some human interest aspect of the game? There were some compelling stories in last night's game off the field, but all the same, save that for the pre-game or maybe halftime. It really cut into the game, and took the focus off the action, and there was virtually no discussion of the plays preceding the bits. Is this how SNF always is? I don't watch it much, and at this point, wont watch it again unless the Bills are on
  10. Agreed. Their WR corps isn't any worse than most NFL teams, I'd put them somewhere in the middle, and would love to have Edelman, even if we already have the junior version in Beasley
  11. It's nice to see the unit growing as a team and I noticed too how much better Josh Allen has become as a pocket passer, the stepping up to avoid the rush and working through his progressions. It's been a long time since the Bills had a line and a QB that looked like they belong in the NFL
  12. The Browns response to Garrett's borderline criminal act are positively Clintonian in their equivocation. I see a whole lot more of the sort of "gee I'm sorry if anyone was offended" than any actual contrition. We all know how this plays out, that Goodell will fold like a cheap suit and Garrett will be playing again the moment that the league feels like people have stopped paying attention, but if there's even a tiny bit of Karma out there the Curse of the Browns will live on and they can stay in the wilderness for 20 years. Basically I'm saying screw Garrett and the Browns and I hope next time that guy sees the field that some non-specific ill befalls him, maybe some broken ribs or something that isn't life threatening but will make him miserable
  13. "wackos" Truth in advertising
  14. Just don't tell Daboll that there's a bunch of TEs out there looking for work. We'll have an 11 TE offense before you know it
  15. I think it's more likely that Daboll will try to do something cute like line Kroft up on the outside as a WR than to put someone in that can catch a NFL pass. I think Yeldon could be a solid contributor out of the backfield or even in the slot but probably not in the popgun offense. On that note could someone please take Daboll's copy of Madden away from him?
  16. That's the reality. Regardless of the discipline they hand down, this guy is a dirty scumbag who can't control himself, and there's a 100% chance he'll do it again. Next time, the swing is slightly more on target and we've got a dead QB on our hands. Then all the Garrett defenders will stand around wringing their hands and say, yeah, the QB started it. They are, coincidentally, the same people that blame rape on the woman wearing a short skirt.
  17. Yup. He needs to be made an example of to prevent it from happening and someone actually getting killed on a field. That would be the end of the NFL.
  18. I'm still working through this thread but if the NFL doesn't act swiftly and harshly I'd expect the Cleveland DA to level charges. It would be the height of hypocrisy if they don't because there's a ton of guys sitting in the pokey in Cleveland for lesser offenses and it would be a real bad idea to set a precedent that this sort of behavior is acceptable.
  19. Will Kaep be willing to ride the pine? Because no GM in the league would have him starting over a 2nd year QB with high upside. We've seen Kaep. When he's good he's pretty good, when he's bad, he falls behind Blaine Gabbert on the depth chart. The dude hasnt played in 3 years, and when he last played he wasn't good. I know the woke crowd wants this redemption arc, that's great, I just hope he goes and fails on some other team, the Bills don't need to borrow that drama..
  20. Is it possible in your world to dislike both Kaep and Hunt? I don't care for Kaep and his Girlfriend's ultra-woke politics, but the bigger issue is I don't believe he'll be able to come back and be anywhere near as effective as he was before. Especially if he still thinks he's going to be a starter making starter money and demanding the spotlight wherever he lands. Hunt, on the other hand, shouldn't even be in the league any more and is probably lucky hes not in jail. I wouldnt want him on my septic tank cleaning crew much less my NFL team
  21. Can he still kick it? If we're going to miss field goals anyways lets at least have a little nostalgia
  22. So what does 'suck worse' mean in this context? I have been in management for a long time, and have hired tons of people, and had to fire some as well. As often as not, someone gets invited to leave because they're a cancer to the organization, NOT because they weren't a good coder. Kaep may well be a 'better' QB than some backups (which, who knows if he's any good at this point or not, it's a huge risk) but pure QB ability is only one aspect of what you're hiring for if you're a NFL GM, especially in the backup QB role. edit: My intent here was to say that no team is obligated to hire Kaep, or even consider him. There is no guarantee of employment with an NFL team. Even if he is 'better' than another player currently employed by the league. I wonder if he's still demanding $20m a year? I think it was Deadspin that claimed to have uncovered the amount, I might be mistaken though
  23. I mean, yeah, they're terrible up the middle. Is your point that coaching is to blame? I'd agree. They've certainly spent resources but the results arent there.
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