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Everything posted by dorquemada

  1. This is our Commissioner's attempt to appease both sides. It's going to do 1 thing, it'll unite both sides in pointing at him and laughing, so that's a victory of sorts i guess
  2. Wow great contribution to the discussion. Is it that hard to believe that someone might not care about the NBA anymore? With no sports on TV i've found other things to do with my time. I'm not exactly alone in that. Also, if you have an alternative timeline for the NBA strike than please, share Yeah I work for a very large global telecom and they've been hammering us with this for months yet the leadership (all white males except 1 person, out of like 20+) aren't giving up their seats at the table. I'd take this all a lot more seriously if the people who keep telling me it's a crisis acted themselves like it's a crisis. After all they're the only ones who can actually make changes. Forcing us to watch a bunch of poorly produced videos and having mandatory struggle sessions aren't going to change any hearts or minds
  3. I mean obviously not. A white kid born to educated parents in a wealthy suburb with good schools is starting life on 2nd base compared to a black kid born to a single mom in a crappy urban setting with bad school. That really isnt up for debate. What is though are the policy prescriptions to resolve the issue. We've had the Great Society & Equal Opportunity programs in place for generations now, and have spent trillions trying to move the needle. Spending trillions more (reparations!) is just good money after bad, and is pretty much like treating a heroin addict with more heroin.
  4. Agreed. Also, i find it telling that the NBA 'strike' basically lasted what, 18 hours? None other than Barack Obama told them they were playing a weak hand, and it seems that most of the players understood this. Hell, I didn't even realize the NBA was playing again because i got bored with that garbage a long time ago. We're in a really different world than a year ago, and while there would be all sorts of gnashing of teeth and rending of garments by ESPN and the deep thinkers in other media outlets, i'm not sure average fan would care all that much. I mean i'd miss it, but not enough to have my opinions and beliefs dictated to me by a bunch of primadonnas and their enablers. I do believe if I were in charge of a team or the league i'd just PATCO the players and say you don't want to play? Great, we'll find someone else who will. The extremely bloated egos on these people to think that if a bunch of players and owners DEMAND CHANGE that all of a sudden cops will stop shooting people and/or 'peaceful protesters' will stop burning down minority owned business, it's just crazy. what's happening now is the culmination of a cold civil war that's been going on for some time, not because some guy OD'd while getting choked out by cops
  5. Meh. Tastes change, people find other things to do. Your father probably had a similar thought about network television in the 80s. Now the only time i have network television on is for local news, and only then if there's a weather crisis
  6. The Prodigal Goomba returns!
  7. Where's Dunkirk Don when we need him? Not the hero we need, but certainly the hero we deserve
  8. gross but yeah probably, i need to change my pricing model
  9. What I don't get here is that Snyder, as an extremely wealthy man, could afford to hire the sorts of prostitutes that cater to extremely wealthy men, and make cheerleaders look like yesterday's leftovers. Besides his obvious difficulty in making good decisions, why on earth would he creep on his employees like this? Besides, dude, just go out to the internet and find pictures of women that don't work for you. It's not difficult, but if you're unsure I can act as an IT consultant to help you on your journey for only $7500 an hour
  10. I'll get out over my skis here and suggest that a disproportionate percentage of NFL players are from the States that are just entering the worst of COVID right now, so these guys have family and friends in the middle of it, and might be legitimately concerned about getting sick and/or bringing the 'vid back to gramma in Alabama. I'm in USNY like a lot of you, and we're certainly past the peak now, and certainly over the shock of it. I can tell you, i have family in the deep south and they spent a lot of time mocking New York over this, not so much now
  11. See thats why you're twobillsdrive forums poster Buffalo716 and not Bill Belichick
  12. Bellicheat has seen the future and knows exactly how many games he hast to lose in order to draft Trevor. spoiler: he falls a few spots in the draft so BB can win exactly 6 games and still get him
  13. There's just so much about trading up for TJ Graham and not taking Wilson that is dumb and wrong, it's hard to know where to start
  14. This would have been infinitely preferable to the timeline we're in
  15. There were very few Jewish slave owners, and very few Jews at all in the US, particularly in the South in the Civil War era. Most Jewish immigration happened in the late 19th, early 20th century, and was concentrated in the big NE cities like NYC & Philly. My own ancestors came from Russia in 1899. Besides that, Jewish immigrants were generally dirt poor and almost none of them would have been farmers as Jews were largely prohibited from owning land in Europe. It's also important to remember that Jews weren't even considered 'white' in the US until post WW2, and would not have been welcome in the antebellum South. There were a couple small enclaves of jews in Mobile and New Orleans, but that has more to do with their history as French colonial outposts where France was for the most part more tolerant of Jews than England. Jewish emmigrants were also dirt poor and lived in terrible conditions. The highest population density ever recorded in the US was in the Lower East Side of Manhattan in the early 1900s. My grandfather lived in a 1 room 'studio' there with 12 others, all his family. They all worked in sweatshops and several of them didnt make it to adulthood. It wasn't slavery per se but it wasn't the 1% existence that bigots like to ascribe to Jews either.
  16. I'd put Sojourner Truth on the $20 bill if it were up to me, preferably holding a pistol
  17. Perhaps some statues across the South to the men who didn't secede and fought for the Union. "Tories of The Hills" is a book about some of those people. I dont really see it being available on Amazon but if you're interested it's in some libraries
  18. There was a big fight during the constitutional convention over Slavery. Lots of abolitionists wanted Slavery outlawed immediately, and obviously the southern states (though there were plenty of slaves in Northern states too, just not to the degree or of the type in the South) refused, and said they would not join the new nation. There are other factors that caused the Civil war besides Slavery. That was the obvious proximate cause and the moral rallying cry, but there were substantial economic reasons as well, including that the North was rapidly industrializing and competing directly with England, while the South was continuing to act more like a resource colony of England pitting the regions against eachother economically. None of this, of course, should be construed as a defense of the Confederacy but the actual story is a little more complicated
  19. Not disagreeing with anything you're saying Doc, except for that well under 10% of people living in the Confederacy States owned slaves. The average white family in the South didn't own slaves, and some (look up Winston County, Alabama) did not secede from the Union at all because they didn't want to go to war to prop up the 1% of that day, and they were right regardless of any retrograde beliefs they may have held otherwise
  20. Fair enough, but it's not a passive action to post something to twitter. Something occurred in his mind to trigger the action. "Oh hey I sure like the cut of this Hitler guy's Jib, I want to make sure everyone knows about this!" I guess the alternative to that is "Hurr durr i don't understand any of this context but imma post it anyways" which I realize as I type that is probably exactly what happened but if we extend him a mulligan for being an idiot than we have to do same for everyone else that says something stupid/hateful/racist as well? That would be the world I would prefer in which to live, but sadly not the one in which I do.
  21. Pretty much! Now we're getting the big crocodile tears and he terribly sorry that someone was offended. I don't believe he's actually repudiated any of it, and if so only under extreme duress. Antisemitism has been on the rise for some time and is quite chic in some quarters. Linda Sarsour who helped organize the big Women's March, is a rabid Antisemite and surrounds herself with the same. to the extent that the Women's March basically asked her to leave because having a pro-holocaust mouthpiece isn't a great look. It's amazing to me that in very recent memory you had race hucksters like Al Sharpton encouraging anti-jewish violence in NYC of all places, and all that's gotten memory holed because now he's some kind of folk hero of the left. It's almost like they think George Orwell wrote 1984 as an instruction guide rather than a warning
  22. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. If someone wants to prove that ancient sub-saharan Africans built the pyramids, they better find something other than unhinged college newspaper editorials to prove it.
  23. I'll join this for a moment then promise to drop it but the reason I opened my big mouth in the African Geography class way back when was mostly this reason, and that the professor (a Man of Color) allowed a black student to fly way off the handle claiming there is hard evidence that Black people not only built the Pyramids, but had the power of flight. Not, you know, invented airplanes, no, they could fly like superman around the pyramids and white people stole that from them. The net is that most people will believe anything they hear, all the more so if it's something they want to believe. The professor didn't do anyone any favors by allowing that to go on. For what it's worth in the same class, another student asked where in African they drilled for Palm Oil ps dont send your kids to SUNY Albany
  24. Technical definition has to do with a family of languages, but in the common parlance refers to the ethnic groups that comprise Arabs and Hebrews today. I use the term Hebrews to differentiate them from Ashkanazi jews who have significant northern European DNA, though I'm sure I'll get a WELL ACKSHUALLY from someone here
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