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Everything posted by dorquemada

  1. its definitely an enviable position for Miami. What dumb luck that BOB came calling, they must have been high 5'ing eachother.
  2. you're a piker. i don't think we can declare Allen a franchise QB until he throws 100 TDs in a game and rushes for another 100. Anything less than 1400 points scored in a game we might as well go back to Tuhrod
  3. whatever you do, dont read the responses to that tweet. i know twitter is a dumpster fire full of absolute morons, but i'm continually impressed by the depth of that truth
  4. There's something to this as the D was obviously winded in the 4th quarter. I get it, was sunny and hot-ish, but they looked strait up out of shape and getting shoved around. I just looked, and ToP was 32-28 in favor of the Rams. It felt worse than that though
  5. I think it's just fine that JA is being compared on a weekly basis with Russell Wilson. JA keeps playing like he is now, he's going to get the respect we all know he deserves. A Seattle/Buffalo superbowl would be fantastic. The battle of I-90!
  6. Maybe a good signing? what a massive bummer about Barkley though, i have a feeling he's never going to be the same. On that note, I have Christian McCaffrey on my fantasy team, so RIP me and my chances
  7. yeah good point i was fully expecting David Love to have sent a 1st ballot hall of famer right to the practice squad, just out of the notion that he was so utterly and completely outclassed that he should really just retire in shame. just weird it didnt pan out like that
  8. The Bills did something we havent seen in some time, having 5 people in the pattern. What a beautiful sight! If Daboll has confidence in the RBs as receivers, this O is going to present some real matchup problems.
  9. Honestly I dont think Darnold is getting enough credit. It was a jailbreak all day behind that line and he managed to get rid of the ball a bunch of times where i was sure he was going to take a sack. Oliver played great. He'll be fine.
  10. Dolphins week again Maybe good? probably not Embarrassing beard. Fitzy again? Ugh Put the broken hip kid in! Unpronounceable.
  11. Miami week here Fitzy is all beard no arm Color scheme ugly Life is suffering Fitzy looks like some actor God frowns, waiting room
  12. One thing to always do if you're pulling the 'relocation via vpn' trick is to either clear your cache (all of it! but especially cookies), go into incognito mode, and then proceed. Either that, or use a totally separate browser for this type of thing. Firefox is my goto daily use browser so i use Chrome for anything VPN related when I'm trying to appear somewhere else. IE in all it's forms is hot garbage and to be avoided
  13. Is your point that Kaepernick deserves an 81? If not, then why do you believe that EA is giving him such a high rating? that's the virtue signalling, which is, we are so desperate to be seen as supporting this cause that we're going to take one of it's figureheads and shoehorn him into our flagship game in the hopes that the rubes customers will want to be a part of that. "Social Justice" is now being used as a synonym for pretty much the entire leftist wishlist that's been around for 50 years. Free college? Social justice! Legalize weed? Social justice! Kill all the landlords? SOCIAL JUSTICE!!!! I mean if they really want to get on the BLM bandwagon, why not put Talcum X in with a 99?
  14. I'm super looking forward to playing Anita Sarkeesian and Adam Schiff. Those toxicly masculine sportsball players wont know what hit them
  15. Hey good news everyone! https://babylonbee.com/news/madden-now-allows-you-to-select-greta-thunberg-as-your-qb/?utm_content=buffer9580d&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  16. Is it offensive to refer to them that way? I sure wouldn't want to end up in re-education camp for wrongthink! Blessed be St Lebron
  17. Lebron is held up as some kind of bright light on 'oppression' issues, but when people tried to speak out about the Uighers, the NBA forbade all discussion of it. They're owned lock stock and barrel by the ChiComs. Just imagine if an NBA player were allowed to put 'remember the Uighers' on his shoe or headband. Just imagine it!
  18. Lebron is a hypocrite of the highest order and should be called out about his ties to the ChiComs and harassed about the plight of the Uighers. It's absolutely amazing to me that is being ignored the way it is. Remember all the hysteria about Trump's (really Obama's but never mind) 'concentration camps' on the southern border? Let's take those, scale them up 10,000x, then start systematically killing people, and sterilizing all the women. That's what Lebron's people in China are doing, but the press is oddly silent about it. Why do you suppose that is? Uigher lives dont matter?
  19. Yup, and the fact that Lebron James is the figurehead for the NBA 'social justice' movement tells you everything you need to know. What a loathesome SOB who actively promotes the ChiComs and refuses to even acknowledge the modern day holocaust being perpetrated in slow motion against the Uighers by said ChiComs. We're to self flagellate (if you're white) over what happened in this country 160+ years ago, but we're not allowed to talk about what is happening to millions of innocents RIGHT NOW because China is a big market for these modern day Eichmanns. Not to mention all the sweatshops where they make Nike garbage with literal child labor. This was never about social justice, it is about social preening, or as you said false activism, which i like as a phrase, while ignoring something that history will look back on in the same way we view the Armenian Genocide, the Holocaust, the Holodomor, and the rape of Nanjing. I just wish someone in our 4th estate was brave enough to call them out on it, but most of them are either on the ChiCom payroll, or agree with them so I'm not going to hold my breath for that either.
  20. Maybe. Also, maybe not. The issue is, you don't have to alienate your entire audience. There's a threshold under which all of a sudden advertisers are less interested and the giant tv contract becomes less so. Nike stood with Kaepernick because their target demographic largely agreed with his antics. Will Budweiser stay with the NFL if the people who drink Budweiser are watching in much smaller numbers? Also, the owners will change their tune the second they feel it slipping away, just watch
  21. Yeah this is kind of where I'm at. I watched him in college (Alabama fan - they shut him down, but they shut everyone down then) and he was an absolute bruiser who just got stronger as the games went on. No idea if he has that still, but there's no way that he was in an optimal situation in jax playing with bortles and for boney maroney. If he'd take a reasonable contract, i'd bring him in. Wouldnt it be nice to have him on the bench of the #1 guy went down?
  22. You're really stanning for the NFL here. Weird. Any other mega corps you like to run out and defend on the internet? If you go to a crowded noisy bar to watch a game, some portion of your decision, or at least that of normal people, is because they want to be in a crowded noisy bar. The dialog of the game is secondary to the atmosphere of the bar. I get it, and did that for years after I left Buffalo, and before I got DTV, To your last point, if it's a 2 minute bit at halftime, sure. I'll change the channel. If it's a constant badgering, then why bother at all. In that case they're making as clear as they can that if you're not a preening 'anti-racist' then they don't want you as a customer. Lots of companies have bet wrong and gone out of business in the past, dramatically misjudging the market and their customers. The NFL is not immune from this, no matter how much you want it to be. Again, Roger and his merry band of idiots seem much more concerned with what their neighbors on the UES think than what their core audience does. Guess what Roger, those people don't watch the NFL. Their help might, but they don't. You know this has me thinking, some enterprising eastern european streamer could make a nice mark with a service that strips the games down to just plays. I'd pay $5 a game for that or some nominal figure. That way, no BS, less wasted time, and best of all, no virtue signalling. Instead of forming my Sunday around it, I could watch a 30 minute stream at 5p
  23. 2 points 1) No, it's just not that important to me. If you make it difficult, i'll route around it and find something else. It's entertainment, not life. If the message is "we hate you, but you should still consume our product" then yeah, I know where i'm not welcome, and will walk away 2) ESPN Magazine committed suicide to please a bunch of people who were never going to read it or subscribe to ESPN.com, or even know where it is on their cable lineup. It's fine, it saves me $60 a year and I can dial back the script blocking in my browser since espn.com is one of the worst big sites on the internet for tracking and nonsense
  24. Easy for me - if the pregame, commentary during the game, halftime, and highlight shows become nothing but social commentary and basically make the actual game a sidebar to the SERIOUS ADULT CONVERSATION that they are having at us, then yeah i'll go for a hike instead. Do you remember ESPN magazine? it used to be great. Slowly, then quickly, it morphed into yelling at white people about racial issues, and barely anything at all about sports. I cancelled my espn.com sub because of it. It has not been missed. ESPN chose the get woke go broke route, but made all the right people pleased with them. A shame those people dont watch ESPN, as reflected in their long term ratings decline. You can only piss on your customers for so long before they decide they would rather not be pissed on.
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