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Everything posted by dorquemada

  1. He saw a bee and several of his bones broke in terror, tough break
  2. I never claimed to know anything about sports injury but if the defense of Harrison is "well he was injured 13 months ago, he may never get better!" then yeah we should probably be looking elsewhere.
  3. Oh, agreed 100%. and if it makes KC rethink their plan at all based on the move then there's more value in this move then simply getting dead weight off the field. I was yelling at the TV last week watching Murphy getting blown 10 yards off every play. Hell i would go in there and do that for half his salary
  4. 100% guaranteeing that KC will run strait up the middle all night long
  5. They just dont have a personality. Unless 'Generic underwhelming and non-physical defense that bends then breaks' is a personality Just remember that tonight is not the season
  6. Honorable Harry. Maybe we should grant him some sort of ambassadorship and find someone to play DT
  7. one of us did!
  8. yeah the bills should definitely sign the recently released, former pro bowl LBs and DTs that are just littering the ground out there. Galaxy brain take there, forums user Joe in Winslow
  9. Yeah agreed. I wish we'd see a little more of yeldon, especially receiving out of the backfield
  10. porque no los tres?
  11. This seems overly pessimistic but whats going to suck is that now every team we play is going to have a blueprint on how to beat us. We can't stop anything over the middle, 5-15 yards. We're going to make every QB look like Steve Young
  12. Plus, you know, Miami already owns their next 9 drafts. Good thing Tunstil made that team so much better
  13. who'd a thunk that giving an aging RB north of $50m wouldnt work out? Those Jets have such bad luck!
  14. If we only drafted as well as the Jets, truly a well managed franchise, top to bottom
  15. the correct answer is, of course, keep rolling from the night before. it'll be a 2 day hangover when you're done but possibly worth it
  16. Proving the ancient maxim "None of us is as dumb as all of us"
  17. Love is blind, and there is no accounting for taste
  18. I'm going to say right here right now that DKM was not and is not worth a top 10 pick. That's just crazy talk. He's playing well in a top offense, but put him on a bottom feeder team and maybe even you wouldnt spend your life pining for him. Just picture Darnold and Flacco throwing to him and see if you're still hot and bothered.
  19. yeah really lets not even bother watching the Bills as they are today, let's instead imagine if we min/max'd every single draft, won every coin flip, got every call, and married every pretty girl, then we can argue about it on the internet
  20. yeah you were smarter than 31 NFL teams. I'd love to see the rest of your board
  21. I think Ford will end up being an anchor on the O-line for a long time and everyone talking smack about him doesn't really understand how long it takes OL to develop. Come on people how many times do we have to go through this? if TBD was in charge of the draft we would only ever draft WRs, QBs, TEs, and RBs because obviously those are the only players a team needs to win. This isn't Madden no matter how much our resident galaxy brain draft hindsighters want it to be Did you stop perhaps to consider that it's not just DJ Metcalf, but perhaps has something to do with Russell Wilson helping him look good? edit: and I'll take Diggs over Metcalf all day long
  22. Agreed. SOmeone pointed it out in another thread, but when it looked like Allen was injured, there was Diggs, coaching up Barkley. That dude just wants to win, and absolutely elevates the level of play for everyone around him
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