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Everything posted by dorquemada

  1. hurr durr yeah i didnt try that despite the amount of time i spend on youtube. thanks!
  2. Yup. If it turns into a shootout like the Miami game, and the Jets come out on top at the end, it's one thing. If the Bills come out looking flat and lethargic, then yeah we won't get another bit of national media attention this season. It's a gut check for the Bills that I 100% expect them to pass.
  3. I was having same problem yesterday. I wanted MIA-LAC & NEP-PHL in multiview but couldnt figure that out
  4. the media is so deep in servicing aaron rogers and the jets that there's no way they're going to back down regardless of how tonight turns out "The Bills may have won 73-0 with their 2nd string in the game by Q2, but the real winners tonight are obviously the new look Jets" It's the Chris Collinsworthification of sports broadcasting
  5. yesterday was the first football sunday with the YT season ticket even though we've been using youtube tv for the last 6 months or so. overall it's great. the only thing i dont like about it is when i'm switching back and forth between two games, at least using YTTV on a fire stick, there's no easy way to do it except back up to the channel menu, then choose the other game.
  6. "Hey AARP Aaron, Matlock is on!"
  7. tell them they're the staten island of NFL teams
  8. an early catch or two will change how the jets have to cover him
  9. all fan service for the 239 ppl watching in nyc - it's their biggest market!
  10. I think this might be the key to unlock unlimited cheat codes for Brown
  11. came here to say this. absolutely apex example of a terrible fanbase and a terribly moderated forum
  12. Nails on a chalkboard everytime that guy opens his mouth but I never thought i'd live to see the day that he said/observed anything negative about the chiefs
  13. confidential emails? Wow you really are important! also, just keep this between me and you ok
  14. hey i have a better idea how about we find some up and comer defensive secondary coach with a whole portfolio of brilliant ideas? the league isn't ready for the 'play 15 yards off the nearest WR' strategy!
  15. good, get ur bag birdlegs
  16. OK here's my prediction, FilthyBeast is wrong again. 100% ironclad lock pictured: FilthyBeast posting season predictions
  17. The Hot N Colds The 3 yard liners Josh, Steph, and the 9 JAGs
  18. yeah but that 5th would probably turn into a 190lb linebacker or 'high motor' DE. what does your heart tell you beane will do?
  19. Yikes. Is he better than the two headed monster of Kyle Allen and Matt Borkley?
  20. I'm fine with the Bills being slightly under the radar this year. what's exhausting is smoothbrains like Stephen A Smith strait up lying about 'drama' to generate interest. He's the cable equivalent of heavy.com
  21. Yes, ESPN, well known for their wise investing and bright future
  22. Yeah i think it all comes down to the supporting cast. I'm not going to lay too much blame on Allen when he's running for his life on 90% of plays. If our OL could play at an even JV level, i expect the rest of the story to get better
  23. I'd take televised Magic the Gathering tourneys over lowbrow edgy bombast from the likes of Stephen A Smith. It would seem that the viewing public agrees with that as well
  24. Then put coach Belichick or Reid on the Bills, what happens?
  25. You're assuming that the whole team is the problem and not the coach. That's not generally how things work. It's the coaches job to figure out how to get the most out of the team he has. Put it this way, do you think that McD would have won the same number of games with another team?
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