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Everything posted by dorquemada

  1. edit: the wiki article makes it even better The character of Fredo is weaker and less intelligent than his brothers and has little power or status within the Corleone crime family. In the novel, Fredo's primary weakness is his womanizing, a habit he develops after moving to Las Vegas and which earns his father's disfavor. In the films, Fredo's feelings of personal inadequacy and his inability to act effectively on his own behalf are character flaws leading to his demise.
  2. Like i just said in another thread, at least this iteration of the Buffalo Bills provide the courtesy of letting the fans know pretty quickly weather they're going to give it a go, or just go through the motions. having these zany schedule games kind of makes it easier to walk away. A friend of mine who is a big pats fan, during their glory era when they would lose the rare game, and he would be in a foul mood, his wife would say "Tom Brady isn't going to shovel our driveway tomorrow"
  3. Yup, for the first time in decades I've chosen to clean the basement rather than finish watching a game a couple times this year. It's unwatchable. The worst part is how predictable they've become both at the micro level (worst possible play calling at any given moment) and the macro level (by end of Q1, can tell if the Bills' heart is in it, or if they will just lollygag through the game)
  4. Yeah i mean, ideally josh would not stare down gabe davis then underthrow him. that pretty much set the tone for the rest of the game. let's find some receivers who can get open or a OC that can scheme guys open becuase outside of Diggs we have none of that
  5. Yeah lets see if we can beat Denver and the Jets before we start anointing ourselves playoff contenders quite yet. It doesn't seem like there is any urgency in the coaching ranks to change anything so not sure why results would be any different
  6. The real issue I have with this season is that management (looks like McD with an able assist by Beane) have wrecked what could have been a very fun team to watch. For a team with a pretension to a championship, they appear to have come into the season with no plan beyond MAKE SURE JOSH DOESNT RUN THE BALL
  7. Thanks Dr Phil i feel a lot better now. I think i'll clean my room and do a pushup
  8. Yeah well the plan on offense certainly isn't to score at will, or even with any regularity because the coach thinks we should try alternative style offenses. It's very post modern of him, dont you think? who says that scoring more than the other team is the win condition thats your rules man
  9. If the Bills are going to win any more games this year, they are going to have to get much tougher. They're getting manhandled every game now, they are soft mentally and physically. The coach is a dunce who thinks he is a genius, but can't answer simple questions in a press conference. It's the Rex Ryan show without any of the amusing aspects. If we're going to be clowns lets at least have the whole circus
  10. Davis has certainly been a disappointment but it's hard to figure out if he just sucks or our amateur hour Offensive philosophy is making a #2 WR an afterthought. Given our penchant of 3 and out against good teams, we'll never know
  11. Yeah the officiating sucked. In the end it didn't make a difference. Cinci could have kept the pressure on and scored 40 while we went 3 and out over and over. THere really isn't a version of events where a McD led team wins that game, we have reached his plateau as a coach and either we recognize that and come to terms with it, or we'll just continue as fans to be shocked and upset every time the Bills have to play a winning team
  12. I can't argue against any of that - it would make the most sense. Control freak ruins team dynamic.
  13. Same. I'm willing to be it's not Diggs, i feel like him and Milano show up every game with the same intensity. There's only so many guys it could be that would have the sort of impact that results in the Bills barely showing up for 4 games this year
  14. It's true. I was home for the first time in years, my parents still get a BN delivered to their house. It's like 20 pages long now, like barely worth opening.
  15. "If the coaches don't want Josh Allen taking risks, why should I?" they're not stupid. Like i said, there's a cancer in the locker room. It'll be interesting when we finally find out who it is.
  16. Thanks, Chaos. It would seem that a lot of posters here are seeing the final score and deluding themselves into thinking the game was actually that close. It was not. Even my 24 year old daughter said when we couldnt answer the second Cinci TD "This is going to be one of those games, isn't it?" Yes honey, it sure will be. We can whine all we like about injuries and referees but the reality is that Cinci manhandled the Bills AGAIN. We're not tough enough to beat Cinci, or skilled enough to beat KC
  17. The Blitzing was pitiful. I've never seen anything so tentative and ineffective in my life. Like guys had no idea what they were supposed to be doing, waiting to blitz long enough so they were assured to not get to Burrow, but also too committed to the blitz to help in coverage. I've seen more disciplined D play at spring football tryouts in college. I'm not sure if that's scared, or just that our D is bad. They're poorly coached if nothing else.
  18. Agreed, Allen is far from the main reason we are not good at playing football now. We've come to rely on him to cover for a lot of other issues, but now that The Very Smartest People have coached that out of him, we're not going to get that, and he looks like an above average QB that isn't going to hero ball his way to victories the way he did before. No, most of the blame falls on Beane and McD, and his little friend Dorkey. We have an elderly and infirm D, and a whole lotta sub-JAG level guys on O, and a game plan that doesn't play to any existing strength, but rather is too cute by half on O, and just bad on D
  19. This team is a reflection of the coach. The game has passed him by, and whatever his management style is (clapping? who tf does that?) does not work with the type of players that are on this team. Hiring Dorkey as OC absolutely wreaks of nepotism or at least lazy hiring. Nonetheless, it's hard to win in the NFL, Dr Dawkinstein
  20. It's more plausible than the same D that allowed Cinci to march up and down the field all of a sudden found their inner strength and decided to start tackling
  21. It's a sign that the Bengals took their foot off the gas. It's nothing the Bills did. They watched our geriatric secondary struggling to catch their breath and took mercy
  22. certainly matches the eye test. They can't stop anybody, especially when it counts. Thank God we spent most of our draft capital on the D so we can watch opponents march up and down the field
  23. we'll see over the next 2 weeks who has the worse O. Buffalo is back to being the get well game for other teams. BTW we've already scored fewer points head to head against 2 of the teams you listed. I'm sure there's advanced statistics to suggest that ACKSHUALLY the Bills have a better O but the proof is in the pudding
  24. Cyclone of insanity makes it sound cool. Our Offense is not cool, it's boring, lazy, and stupid. Like we have a junior varsity OC and a team barely capable of grasping anything more complex than gradeschool arithmetic How about Cyclone of Mediocrity, or The Downward Spiral? Let's make being bad at football at least sound cool!
  25. There are not 25 offenses worse in the league right now. Like last year, we peaked a few games in and have been on a downward slope since. Today, we are no better than the middle of the league, and it would appear that the league has figured out Dorkey's capgun O
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