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Everything posted by dorquemada

  1. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/12/20/warner-bros-paramount-merger-talks-nbcuniversal.html Stadium Wall Poster Dorquemada, is he Nostrodamus, or just a brilliant and connected observer of things? Some say he's both!
  2. You're right, I expect, but never underestimate the ability of people to make terrible decisions in the name of greed
  3. This is the way. Can someone tell me where this will be on locally? I use PIA as a VPN and can pop out in a bunch of places Also, agreed on YTTV, at first i found it annoying, you have to dig to get the traditional cable grid, but reality is it knows that I watch CBS local news in the AM, and has that teed up, and that I watch college football on saturdays, and has that teed up, then NFL on Sunday. also, i was just looking at Peacock's site as a plan B. wowza they have some crap programming. I mean like seriously. I think Cocaine Bear is the best movie on there, and that was laughably terrible. I guess there's some sitcoms and things but that doesnt feel like something that should cost money, we watched that garbage because it was on TV not because it was compelling. Anyway, i vote for them to be amongst the first of the services to get swallowed up by one of the others so people can continue watching such classics as LOVE ISLAND GAMES and THE GENTLE ART OF SWEDISH DEATH CLEANING
  4. Lol. i was at SUNYA then, and would go to the big OTB sports bar on central ave. I moved to Rotterdam in 1995 and got DTV and the rest was history some of those commercials are funny, especially the one where Andy Reid is drawing on players faces while they sleep now that PM is in full binch mode i cant enjoy them any more
  5. lol wont somebody please think of those struggling darfur war orphans that run the NFL?
  6. yeah we're really beating the odds on those dropped INTs Agreed on your point about our ability to be aggressive, ears pinned back every plan. For all of Phillips' faults, this is the exact style of D in which he excels and can really be a game wrecker, in the same way that Dawkins is when he is on like he was against the cowboys
  7. Yeah im not sure why the wrist is so critical here. His job is to collapse the pocket and just generally be a menace, i loved the fierceness from him especially but the D in general against Dallas
  8. just absolutely lol. So now you're expecting people who maybe finally figured out how to get the Sunday Ticket on YTTV to add another streaming service, probably having to download an app, set up a username/password. JHC I bet the pirate streams do 10x what peacock does this weekend, I mean if you're going to go to the trouble it's easier to click on a link in reddit, or even crack a firestick, which is just a few steps.
  9. dude, stop Monopoly != Capitalism Allowing a monopoly is government distorting the market, which is the opposite of Capitalism, where a free market is assured You're describing Crony Capitalism, into which both American political parties are heavily invested. Using the power of Government to pick winners and losers is exactly what state controlled/centrally planned economies do. That is not Capitalism
  10. First i've heard of Pablo Torre, but will check him out! TY
  11. I'll offer a contrarian opinion here. There will be consolidation in the streaming services, and some entities bundling various streaming services together with some other service. Verizon is doing it now with netflix and max (I think?) that they will give you for $10 if you are a customer of VZW. Most of these services do not have a viable business model and eventually investors are going to expect a return. At that point the clown car empties out and maybe we'll be left with disney, netflix, max, and from there, i bet we'll see additional consolidation and/or reduction in amount of content generation, which in turn drives people away from those services. Cable, or a cable like service, priced right, is going to have a lot of appeal to the casuals out there. I know Charter/Spectrum was developing an offer that would allow their customers access to netflix content, not sure where that is at today as I'm not a customer, but I could see that happening at scale. The cable companies, unlike the streaming services, are absolutely cash machines, and may be around to pick up the pieces.
  12. Yeah im with you on this. It's getting ridiculous. The entire streaming landscape has become so fragmented that I'm actually watching far less TV than I used to. Now it's mostly stuff on youtube like documentaries and cooking stuff, and there's some amazing sports guys on there too like thatsgoodsports. I actually pay for youtube premium to avoid the commercials, and i've dropped a bunch of other services like disney+, paramount, and Max. the other dynamic with all this is that when these services were emerging there was a ton of money sloshing around, and they made some decent content. Try to watch one of the new netflix movies or shows, they are terrible. I mean strait up garbage. Netflix is next on my hitlist because it's like $22 a month. Again, not a matter of money, more that the NFL is going to keep spreading the games around until we need to do this dance every damn week to watch the games I'd absolutely not recommend the myriad of ways that you can watch this without peacock getting any money, that would make you no better than them
  13. Wait, how many do you have? This is very concerning
  14. He was a man amongst boys today
  15. Did you turn in the other 4th graders for running in the hall
  16. Buy - team chemistry. Have they turned a corner and are all pulling in the same direction? winning a late game against a hard opponent could be a leading indicator Sell - Kincaid. Dont get me wrong, I think he's great, but it feels like Allen's default is to look for knox in difficult situations. We may just see more 12 sets where Knox can help against the Dallas pass rush Hold - Miller. I did feel like he flashed a little at the end of the game. this might be a good time for him to turn it up!
  17. PIA will give you about 80% of line speed most of the time so as long as you are on a decent connection you'll be fine
  18. Good luck this weekend, Sean!
  19. Knox is there to protect us all from Spencer brown
  20. Maybe? We're faced with 1 of 2 possiblities. 1. Von is washed. 2. Von is still injured In either case he doesnt belong on the field.
  21. No, this is just more 12th dimensional chess. you wait until they unleash the real Von, he'll manhandle the opposition, beat whomever is in front of him, always one step ahead of his pursuers lmfao, have you watched him? did you see him take out one of the other Bills rushers against Philly? literally got turned in the wrong direction and kept going
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