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Everything posted by dorquemada

  1. We could certainly do worse, like, you know, we almost always have!
  2. So is your contention that Tebow is going to be the suxorz because he played against weak competition? Which college QB has played against harder teams than Florida over the last few years? Just name one rather than BS
  3. So which conference do you think is out there playing the 77 steelers week in and week out?
  4. So, um, which conference do you find to be better? Also, do a little reading on inter-conference competition and see which conference is consistently at the top of that metric. Oh hell, just look here http://www.behindthesteelcurtain.com/2008/...best-college-fo Now admit you're wrong.
  5. Wow, that was a really stupid thing to say. SEC teams have dominated college football for what, 25 years? Yeah, their reputation is that they win the national championship more than any other conference.
  6. "christian" is why they wont make a movie. Good guy Christian doesnt fit the narrative.
  7. waaaah, my effette west coast team didnt get a chance to get their azz kicked by a bunch of real men waaaaaah
  8. Agreed. It's more or less the same way I feel about Tebow. Some people here... not sure who they would draft. I have news for you, JK made mistakes in college games too. I'm sure people here would have been saying 'dont draft that guy, he's the suxorz2!!!!'
  9. McCoy might have made a difference, but I felt like Alabama went WAAAAY too conservative in the 2nd half. If the game was close I think we would have seen a more creative offense. Alabama came from behind a few times this year; under pressure McELroy always played lights out. Side note, my wife and I met at UA in 1992, the year of the last national championship. Damn I'm getting old.
  10. Dont feed the troll people.
  11. Unless you're in your mom's basement wearing pajamas, this is pure speculation. If you meet the aformentioned criteria, then thank you for the great news!
  12. You totally didn't get the memo! The TBD college football experts have declared Tebow TeH SUXorz! ESPECIALLY since he played on a team that won so many games and scored so many points! We would be better off picking a early/mid round "project" QB with a high IQ from an Ivy league school who never did anything! Come on, get with the program! How do you expect to continue the Bills' pattern of success by selecting achieving players!
  13. Mom's washing machine and Sal's internet connection both went out last night, so to answer your question, the same skivvies he's been wearing all week
  14. I'm sure he's Albert Scweitzer and Florence Nightingale rolled up into 1. it is rather amazing that a guy in him mom's basement can cause such a commotion.
  15. all based on 'coach sal's' post from his mom's basement
  16. I read his posts and see your avatar talking...
  17. No, he's launching some MLM scam
  18. That's called SHOWMANSHIP!!!1 fanboys all worked up
  19. Coach Sal, whoever that is, seems to have some serious fanboys out there... scolding the newcomers to the site... lol, losers.
  20. I want to believe! well, I AM a bills fan afterall. This sounds like a lot of BS, but I'd be glad to be wrong. Cower would put all sorts of conditions on it no doubt, like , we have to use the first 6 draft picks ever year on defensive backs
  21. "...not from the Bills side" apparently from the smoking man on the x files
  22. Cower? Impressed with the bills? wowza!
  23. So really, what does he have to do to be qualified a success? We all loved fitzy because he won a game or two, but otherwise gobbled the root. I for one would love to see 300 yards passing. In one game.
  24. Roll Tide! Here's for a repeat of 92!
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